The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
£200 an oz too, that must be near cheaper than u newuser me old m8 lol
180s here nowdays mate and i have to take it out of town, still id rather get rid of it at 180s than sit on it selling 1s and 2s at a higher price plus once i got me smoke on im doing a oz every 3/4days deffo better to get it gone lol


Well-Known Member
180s here nowdays mate and i have to take it out of town, still id rather get rid of it at 180s than sit on it selling 1s and 2s at a higher price plus once i got me smoke on im doing a oz every 3/4days deffo better to get it gone lol
Lol only messing with ye m8, ye couldn't get 10 off me for any less than 2s ffs. Aye if yer goina blast it like that better to get rid. I usually keep 6-7 for mesel, tht usually does but last time I was a lazy cunt and had a couple week break in between which I'm payin for now ffs


Well-Known Member
Lol only messing with ye m8, ye couldn't get 10 off me for any less than 2s ffs. Aye if yer goina blast it like that better to get rid. I usually keep 6-7 for mesel, tht usually does but last time I was a lazy cunt and had a couple week break in between which I'm payin for now ffs
2k for 10 over there tho mg is like oldskool 120s a oz here, your getting soft man selling at that price ffs! lol

smoking a oz in 4 days especially if you got alot of time on ya hands is really easy, 0.7g a joint 10 joints spaced over a day n night x 4, very easy thats why i never bother saving a load would end up cheaper being a crack head lol


Well-Known Member
Off the dn 2's for an O Aint a bad prive at all is it so long as its good tackle like...anything mango sound bostin don't it that's why I was considering green crack because of the mango flavs


Well-Known Member
5 ton a week habit right here (2+ oz), i'd say that is as bad as any crackhead (poor crackhead at least)
if it didn't grow on trees i'd be on the car stereos to feed my habit.

trimmed a load of gringo last night, i think there was more than 10oz of decent buds on her, the hash pile is looking sweet, gonna make some bho etc with the trim.


Well-Known Member
2k for 10 over there tho mg is like oldskool 120s a oz here, your getting soft man selling at that price ffs! lol

smoking a oz in 4 days especially if you got alot of time on ya hands is really easy, 0.7g a joint 10 joints spaced over a day n night x 4, very easy thats why i never bother saving a load would end up cheaper being a crack head lol
Smokes gettin a lot cheaper over here now m8, buyin bulk is anyway, and it's gettin better quality too. It's either take the price that's offered or be left with it and selling it in bags and te fuck with that, we know wer that leads! I could get more if I asked around a few other folk but fuck that, I like to keep it hush and I suppose that's the price u pay


Well-Known Member
Where does anyone buy there mbb bags at? Do u get it in rolls or sheets or what that u can seal? Someone fire me a link up to some if they can


Well-Known Member
Smokes gettin a lot cheaper over here now m8, buyin bulk is anyway, and it's gettin better quality too. It's either take the price that's offered or be left with it and selling it in bags and te fuck with that, we know wer that leads! I could get more if I asked around a few other folk but fuck that, I like to keep it hush and I suppose that's the price u pay
i know what you mean there mg same over here nowdays lots more high-grade smoke about than there was a couple of years ago.

i see some1 i use to sell quite a bit to the other week, hadnt heard from him in ages he pulled out 4 different strains all grown well even cured i think, now i no why i hadnt seen him lol


Well-Known Member
The skunk is starting to stink out the polytunnel :D the bosslady came in to have gander when I was feeding today, she walked out gagging lol I told her they'll get worse when they start flowering. Fucking caterpillar had got in though, so some damage was done to a few plants. Indoors gets more and more appealing when you keep spotting the downside of outdoor growing.....fucking bugs.


Well-Known Member
Between cal def, spider mites, nute burn and now caterpillar, plants are looking worse for wear...

Spider mites are under control now with some homemade mighty wash (dishsoap n water lol no cunt will post to france) nute burn was a fuck up on my part, calcium def..christ that was brutal on the older leaves. Sorted now with a few feed of calmag, now fucking caterpillars.....rage lol

Biggest plant has a boron def which I attribute to low humidity and under watering, so added a bucket of water to polytunnel. Gets over 50 in the polytunnel during the day lol fucking roasting


Well-Known Member
Sounds like your having fun with it bigs the poly tunnel? If its small enough you can cover it and induce 12/12 whenever you like use the plastic that's black non one side and white on the other to ref elect the seen it on a jorge Cervantes vid he was saying in the us out door Gardner's were pulling 3 crops a year lol


Well-Known Member
I gotta keep it looking legit im afraid, so flowering happens when it happens. The bosslady always has guests/visitors etc so everything needs to look 'normal'.

This growing stuff is all fun n games until shit starts to go wrong lol