The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
fuk your fukin slippers, jk....k
Jealousy is human nature man its cool I'll send u a pair if u like but see I've very big feet so have to settle for what I can get most the time most shops go max size 10 I'm 12-12.5...amd yes I've an enormous penis like sky remote bar the little right side where it goes out a but
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Well-Known Member
No, I'm not gay.I'm not married but I do have a gf..
U know we don't give a fuck that whole gay think was with me trying to piss off dannyboy not knowing he was gay so I called him a fag so it was taken personally n that was the weak point found (no offense danny btw) n had to be attacked.. With great success may I add


Well-Known Member
lol man I don't hold a grudge sticks and stones an all that, im not trying to bate anyone jus don't like homos and their evil ways, I think sunshine would rather learn from us than do spoons with uncle paedo, but my prob is he is still sticking up for that foul cunt, hermie human uncle fukwit, at least his genetics will die with him fukin cunt @UncleBuck lool
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mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
U know we don't give a fuck that whole gay think was with me trying to piss off dannyboy not knowing he was gay so I called him a fag so it was taken personally n that was the weak point found (no offense danny btw) n had to be attacked.. With great success may I add
I don't care at all I never have. Dannys cool...I just talk shit for the sake of talking shit..tthat's how I am with my real life friends i grew up with to..I don't call them by their real names I just call them fags and pussys.


Well-Known Member
I don't care at all I never have. Dannys cool...I just talk shit for the sake of talking shit..tthat's how I am with my real life friends i grew up with to..I don't call them by their real names I just call them fags and pussys.
Well then what was ur problem.with this thread ud of fit in if ur not a pussy


Well-Known Member
i ate way too much for dinner, was hrs ago n im still fucking stuffed lol getting a shitload of wagyu sirloin 2mora aswel, aint had a nice big steak for ages, what with this sun perfect timing to get the bbq out, fuck a quality steak taste gooood on the bbq.