The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
easy farmers
couple shots of the sluts just started 2nd week of flower there is 8 royal cheese 5 ssh and a dinafem cheese the dinafem and one ssh was vegged for about 8 weeks was using them as mothers but decided to throw them in undera 600 w Hps and flower the bitches out

pic below is the ssh and behind it the dinafem these are the 2 that had plenty more veg time
all the others was vegged for 3 weeks



Well-Known Member
lol there's no game to it. I'm to blame simples.

so tomorrow were interviewing an a part time book keeper. She's a habib wearing muslim lass who is allergic to sunlight. No shit. Literally non stop jokes today. If one of the lads doesn't call her letterbox or nosferstu by dinner ill eat my keyboard.
lol id fuck her straight off for turning up in a hijab, same as i would if a chav turnt up in a balaclava, what kind of cunt goes to an interview dressed like that anyways? lmao


Well-Known Member
I tell you something, I've seen all sorts of weird sights through my life but it really does take the biscuit going to Blackpool with my Dad and his charge to see a team of those cunt's laid on the beach sunbathing!

Yes, laid on the sand in full ninja suits sunbathing.
Fucking gloves too!

sweaty vag


Well-Known Member
islam is such a badly made up religion ffs what a bunch of muppets to make their women look like sacks, they think we are dirty cunts too can you believe it, but 13 wives ffs some nagging fest that would be

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
I did a job centre course one time with a ninja bird, she had an Msc and was working part time as a lab technician.

Full polyester hijab with matching gloves (that never fit) in the the lab!?

I still don't understand how that shit works, health and safety protocols must go out the window.


Well-Known Member
Tomora nite at 9 on bbc2 there a programe about all those young 1s leavin england to be jihadi brides ??? Wtf do they actually think there gonna hav a better life ha :) fckn thicks