The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
soil not coco lol, but yeah £1 bottle of tomato food recently, have used bio-bizz/canna/plagron etc before but never really noticed any difference between that n the cheap stuff, neither does anyone else lol
yeah no bother ive done soil grows without worrying too much but coco is unforgiving pH wise imo


Well-Known Member
Just got back from the park its fookin roasting out there today man plenty of short shorts just a shame it was fat fuckers wearing em haha there was a few sweaty Betty's knocking aboot the Mac lads would be in their element

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
lol its something my mates keep going on about to me as well constantly, but the way i see it im yielding as much if not more as them, spend 1/50th of what they do on nutes and have a bigger queue at the door come harvest time than them so i cant be doing that badly lol
how much are you yielding?


Well-Known Member
I understand mate, I buy bags in between my harvests and I pay 180-200 an oz but 280 would get laughed at and I'd go elsewhere or do without.

Market value my arse, divvys stand for it (usually the young) and that sets the price for everybody else!?

Fuck that shit, folk want to start saying no, turn stuff away and force the industry to step up it's game.

But no, too many muppets and kids around for the proper lot to make a difference.
very well said indeeed
if you going to pay extortion people will try to extortionate you


Well-Known Member
a fat fool, a person mocked by other on grounds of personal hygene, eating dissorders and stupidity......

Mr bumshine that sounds about right ay


Well-Known Member
easy all
been playing with my new toy my missus not happy as was off my face last week with the credit card ordering shit that i completely forgot i had ordered

got one of these

SMS Pro Twin Fan Speed Controller

The SMS PRO 4.5 Amp Twin Fan Speed Controller is a great choice of grow room climate controller for indoor gardeners who want the very best. The SMS PRO 4.5 Amp Twin Fan Speed Controller unit has two programs installed to optimise grow room conditions: the original programme from the SMS Twin Fan Controller, and an additional humidity control program. The original program will perform a 5 minute scan of the grow room and calculate the gradual increases and decreases of your fans. In the course of the scan it will automatically establish the capacity at which level to run your fans to maintain a controlled temperature. The second program activates when the grow room lights have been switched off. During the night period, the SMS PRO 4.5 Amp Twin Fan Speed Controller gets to work. The unit calculates the humidity in the grow room and any excess humidity is corrected by the PRO Twin Controller gently increasing the fan speeds for just the right amount of time.

wired up to a 10 inch tornado boxed fan 3250 m3 with a 12 inch rhino pro filter 3250m3

had to have the 10 meters of acoustic 10 inch ducting an of course this then needed a 12 inch to 10 inch reducer

dont know what the problem is she smoked more of my last crop than me

150 extractor
150 filter
50 ducting
89.99 for controller

the look on her face when the delivery man said i got you a delivery she expected a couple of small make up items and the man needed help to get the shit off the van lmfao just glad there wasn't prices on the boxes ha

extraction system working a treat thou to be honest silent as fuck with 3000 watts pumping out in flower

oh and got 2 5 inch budget extractors wired up for intake


Well-Known Member
Haha I just click show ignored content if I ever wanna see what folk are getting pissed off about lol....I had quails today 1st time I've had em I had to have 3 to even make a dent they were nice tho with roasted vine tomatoes baby taytas and all the rest of it I'm still feckin hungry tho