The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
ive done me fair share mate, but nowdays i just dont think me mind could handle it tbh.
One time, many years ago, I had five vile's of liquid LSD and tripped all the time. The hardest trip I had I took the dropper and put about 25 hits on a sugar cube and for the first time had an outer body experience. I was so gone i didn't get paranoid just enjoyed the world I was in and once I came down I was kind of sad because it was amazing, the walls looked like waterfalls and I couldn't understand what my room mate was saying to me I just sat in the same spot for 8 hours and saw things I can't explain.

each vile had about 100 hits worth and one hit was 250ug

i got it in Dallas and the guy said to dilute in ever clear, which is almost pure grain alcohol but I didn't cause I wanted the full effect.


Well-Known Member
The 1P-LSD is almost exactly the same chemical make up of ALD-52 and the trip is nice and it feels like you are tripping hard with an opiate feel to it, very relaxing and very visual.


Well-Known Member
i dont really understand what u can earn from a site like this? but rolli deffo left the scene a while ago n handed over power, hence the way the forum has gone to shit........
seed companies n bongs n shit hitting a target audience like on kids tv adds toy adds inbetween nothing after 9pm


Well-Known Member
mate please please listen to what ive told you, thats is all im gonna say.
i did sell most of wm just go mad one day non for a bit it's the only way to get a good buzz I don't get seats or shakes after a few weeks even a week of not taking em...what's the point of taking a little take a load get a buzz enjoy smoke pot every day


Well-Known Member
i did sell most of wm just go mad one day non for a bit it's the only way to get a good buzz I don't get seats or shakes after a few weeks even a week of not taking em
thats the way to do it mate binge for a few days then stop for a good few.

im fancying another oxy meself, gonna do what you said bout the benzos on top, thats fact they enhance it.

thinking 6 5mg nitrazepam n a 40mg oxy hmmmm


Well-Known Member
Fuck it I'm thinking of an oxy right sounds tasty n that walk seemed lovely. Only way to use drugs binge n.stop recover n repeat... Self controls hard but I get 40e a strip!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
i do listen to ur benzo Advice lol
they are some really messed up people benzo addicts, roche the original makers got out of a major courtcase in the early 80s i think it was, was basically once everyone found out how addictive they are and a newspaper in france published how bad they where, roche got of tho cause of that article, they argued that people didnt even no they where addicted until they had read it.

lol still happens nowdays, oxy where advertised as a non addictive painkiller lol