The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Yeh lax have a week off em and make your self cuz u don't wanna get hooked on em man they can be real bad and I rekon it would play on a certain someone's mind if shit went downhill!


Well-Known Member
Yeh lax have a week off em and make your self cuz u don't wanna get hooked on em man they can be real bad and I rekon it would play on a certain someone's mind if shit went downhill!
well luckily for paddies I didn't have any for that whole time....especially when I needed em n won't touch the rest till the rest lands O next week..pinky promise


Well-Known Member
Just cuz he was UK seller and wanted it quick and I like red seal especially if its the real McCoy got a gram of Moroccan pollen as well chocolate aroma sounds nice to me but we'll see got a gram if Durban poison as well from Spain lol ......I wanted DMT but only seller with good looking stuff is in USA but he says it smells of flowers not plastic rekons it ms the purest on the DN and his feedback says so too so might just take the risk and order a gram off him


Well-Known Member
Just cuz he was UK seller and wanted it quick and I like red seal especially if its the real McCoy got a gram of Moroccan pollen as well chocolate aroma sounds nice to me but we'll see got a gram if Durban poison as well from Spain lol ......I wanted DMT but only seller with good looking stuff is in USA but he says it smells of flowers not plastic rekons it ms the purest on the DN and his feedback says so too so might just take the risk and order a gram off him
it will be pure shite id bet money on it, aint no good hash from uk vendors unless your willing to pay top $ for it

there is a uk vendor of pure white dmt good rep but funnily enough its FE same as most of anything worth buying now evo has gone


Well-Known Member
That's multi exciter I've had his shit and its shit gave me a weird trip and just wasn't right man....ahhh if its shit its shit we'll see man the pollen sounds nice tho chocolate aroma £8 a g so it better be fucking good Lol seller is ocx or something like that