The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
It happens be happy u didn't blow your bulb don't think ur suppose to suddenly switch from 600-1000 u have to fore her up at 1000


Well-Known Member
Yeh its puzzled me alright this ballast thing but I'll get it sorted in the end just a pain in the arse when shit just don't work Lol its got its own mains and everything so fuck knows I'm hoping I just need a new timer and that's all and the ballast Aint fucked its got a 5 year warranty tho so alls covered


Well-Known Member
No read the manual mh can't be dimmed n ur suppose t op let her cool down as in off before u fire her on. A new wattage..i may be very well wrong


Well-Known Member
I've flicked thru the different settings when it was on and all was fine u could see it dim and brighten the only other thing I can think of is that it isn't wall mounted and the reset button maybe flicking itself on?


Well-Known Member
I've just got it lying on some bricks and the reset button isn't spring its like loose if u know what I mean and I think that could be the problem? Most probably wrong tho


Well-Known Member
Most. new digi ballasts are surge protected n have auto shut off so u don't blow shit up all the time
I've flicked thru the different settings when it was on and all was fine u could see it dim and brighten the only other thing I can think of is that it isn't wall mounted and the reset button maybe flicking itself on?


Well-Known Member
Yeh its got all that auto shut off bollocks .....just managed to get online double helix still hasn't answered my msg the cunts been online everyday tho