The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Mornin guys little lait on today done abit of tidyin round :( keep the missis sweet while im off!!!!.................I love bein off work for about a week or so then the bordem kicks in!!! not yet thou, just rolled me self a fat g13 game over for the day i thinks lol :) !!!!!!!!!!
hehe im jus about to have a trainwreck dobie with the missus so happy lunchtime smoking mate


Well-Known Member
Sorry guys just come back to my sensers and relised i just started the same done with!! coversation again, 1st joint of the day has knocked my socks off goin to delete it cant be arsed even goin on about it lol!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey lemonz even if that shit is true, bet the rest of the world was pissed off to fuck when we "stole" there countrys bet they were kickin off like us, bet they were slaggin us and didnt want us either...............they had rights to same as we have,...........and its not only them takin our jobs what pissers us off, its the fact that most of them havent even come to work just to sponge of i country (if were short on doctors yeah let them in there obvioisly not criminals are they) and a lot of them come from bad country were rape, violence, steelin, killin people are a normal everyday thing then they come over here with there beliefs not knowin our rules(no 1 sits them down and tells them our rules witch we have all learnt from birth) so think they can do what they want, rapin british girls cos there dressed like slags, stabbin people, commitin fraud(romainians), treatin women with no respect and all the other dodgy shit they get up to.......they just see our country as 1 big £££ sign that they can rip to fuck(not all some do important jobs).................What your views on schools bein over run cos of imagrants and not enough
beds in hospitals cos of them??????..............and the highest unemployed rate since we opened up to them???
the thing people forget is that although we invaded their countries, they didnt have roads, electricity,running water, industry, proper police forces/armies etc, we gave them it all and taught them how to use it and further advance their country, was only less than 100 years ago we owned india after invading it, now it has emerged as a world (nuclear)superpower because of the infrastructure WE GAVE THEM and taught them how to use.
Interesting point to remember though that most of the countries that hold any kind of political/trade importance across the globe were once part of the british empire/commonwealth and although yes we invaded them they wouldnt be where they are now on the world stage without us doing so.


Well-Known Member
Sorry guys just come back to my sensers and relised i just started the same done with!! coversation again, 1st joint of the day has knocked my socks off goin to delete it cant be arsed even goin on about it lol!!!

haha an yet again ive replied to it, we`ve got to stop doin this pukka lol


Well-Known Member
the more i read these stupid convos on immigration the more i just wanna have a raging out burst and tell them to all fuck off and that we just dont care for their problems and if thats racist so fucking be it. Were not a loving country now piss off.


Well-Known Member
I know mate i just dont think he gets the point or he doesnt live in a area like me that is fucked now all because of immargrant gangs doin what ever they want in our country!!!
I have white, black, asian, and indian, irish bla bla friends and a chinese friend that all think the same, there all british and have been raised here they all no the rules of this country they all speak english they all work and socailise and do the same thing as us lot,..................its not a race thing at all, its forenars who come over here dont give a shit about our rules or culture dont event try to speak english and think they can do what ever they want!!!

Theres nt enough jobs or homes for us never mind the millions of them

Net immigration quadrupled to 237,000 a year between 1997 and 2007. In 2009 it was 196,000. 3 million immigrants have arrived since 1997.
A migrant still arrives almost
every minute.
We must build a new home every six minutes for new migrants.
England is already, with Holland, the most crowded country in Europe
(except Malta)
Immigration will add 7 million to the population of England in the next 24 years - that is
7 times the population
of Birmingham.
To keep the population
of the UK, now 61.2 million, below 70 million, net immigration must be reduced by 50,000 a year. With balanced migration it would peak at about 65 million.

Every fuckin minute 1 arrives do you real think theres room for them lemonz????????,................never mind all the 1's that come illegally,.....then all the kids there havin.....its no good for our country full stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Right thats me done!!!!!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
old enoch powell had it right... google him. if it werent for that slag thatcher he'd have been in power and there wouldnt have been any immigration problem. he saw how fucked up america became after the flooding in of immigrants n tried to stop a repeat over here. thatcher branded him a racist even though he spoke 12 languages and had him chucked out of power. countries been fucked since.


Well-Known Member
Yeah you said it Don, you cant find any country that will say immagration has helped there country. nothin but fucked it up!!!!!!.......................if were short on doctors and shit yeah let them in but at the same time sort the fuckin prob and get more british people interested in bein doctors you get me!!


Well-Known Member
nice buds don...........lemonz you are a woman..........and if your not a woman you should be........................cause you just go on and on and on about something you obviously dont know anything put a pretty dress on and go back to your own country before you are deported..please.


Well-Known Member
nice buds don...........lemonz you are a woman..........and if your not a woman you should be........................cause you just go on and on and on about something you obviously dont know anything put a pretty dress on and go back to your own country before you are deported..please.
he can't possibly be a woman, in his religion the woman wouldnt be allowed on the internet! thats far too much of a western satanic doing!


Well-Known Member
aye shes got a crackin pair of colas that one eh!

now now del i might have to report that post there wasnt enough TITTY in it....

Nice Don very that the same chick as the last???..........................crackin pair of colas and a bet she's had some trimmin done low down also, ...........I wouldnt mind LSTin her to the bed for a hour or 2!!!!!