The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
sambo , man this would be wierd but u dont fucking live next door to me by any fucked up chance :/ and do people call u sambo ?
lmao bro i think the boredom and lack of weed is pushing ya over the edge, nar no1 calls me sambo cunt,wanker,arsehole yeah but not sambo lol

im in buckinghamshire m8 and no what ya mean bout moving to an area you no very few people i only moved here for the missus.


Well-Known Member
Hi guys just got back from the hospital had to have the bone snapped back in to place!!!!!!!...........the most painfullist momement of my life :( lol
fuck that pukka but at least ya got it sorted get some of that fine herb you grew in ya and your be all good lol


Well-Known Member
i got a free fem seed of the kk carnt be arsed with it tho from what ive read she will stretch like mad in 12/12 and pretty shore ive read that it can be prone to hermi like i say only what i read never grown it
I've read that it stretches a lot. A lot of Kushes do. Don't remember reading anything about hermies though. I'll have to look into it.


Well-Known Member
lmao bro i think the boredom and lack of weed is pushing ya over the edge, nar no1 calls me sambo cunt,wanker,arsehole yeah but not sambo lol

im in buckinghamshire m8 and no what ya mean bout moving to an area you no very few people i only moved here for the missus.

hahah theres a dude next door called sambo or samber not met him yet would have been fucked up :P yes yes very bored and unstoned :(


Well-Known Member
fuck that pukka but at least ya got it sorted get some of that fine herb you grew in ya and your be all good lol
Hope its all sorted dont wanna go threw that again lol!!! got it mate a Voltorol and a fat 1 sorted me out good!!!!


Active Member
i had to laugh when someone said i was belittling him for his views on immigration. no i was not i was just stating my views on immigration. i just stated some simple facts like this country is rich compared to most and the standard of living is extremely high. no dictators no civil war no mass genocide nowhere near the same food crisis alot of the world faces. this country is doing pretty well when you look at the bigger picture in my eyes. but you lot are entitled to your opinion and im not trying to stop you having one, im just saying i dont agree with it.


Well-Known Member
I've read that it stretches a lot. A lot of Kushes do. Don't remember reading anything about hermies though. I'll have to look into it.

You're right, Sambo. It does seem to have a lot of hermies. It's supposed to come from the OG Kush. Fuck. These are supposed to be mother plants too. But fuck it, I'll keep growing them and hope for the best.


Well-Known Member
i had to laugh when someone said i was belittling him for his views on immigration. no i was not i was just stating my views on immigration. i just stated some simple facts like this country is rich compared to most and the standard of living is extremely high. no dictators no civil war no mass genocide nowhere near the same food crisis alot of the world faces. this country is doing pretty well when you look at the bigger picture in my eyes. but you lot are entitled to your opinion and im not trying to stop you having one, im just saying i dont agree with it.
you know your problem, you are just bitter lemonz...........


Well-Known Member
i had to laugh when someone said i was belittling him for his views on immigration. no i was not i was just stating my views on immigration. i just stated some simple facts like this country is rich compared to most and the standard of living is extremely high. no dictators no civil war no mass genocide nowhere near the same food crisis alot of the world faces. this country is doing pretty well when you look at the bigger picture in my eyes. but you lot are entitled to your opinion and im not trying to stop you having one, im just saying i dont agree with it.
By your logic we shouldn't complain about anything because there are always people a lot worse off than us. We are all aware there are people living in poverty but we shouldn't put up with shit in our lives just because there are people worse off. Just my two pence.


Well-Known Member
spent about 2months on a boat ina canadian town called kingston lol just outside toronto listening to this song and album i was ina bad place at the time addicted to benzos like a cunt and just split with a girlfriend still me fav tune and im not really a music person, only sharing this cause im mashed lol i no i sound like fucking dura mashed at this time in the day lol



Well-Known Member
all good pukka all good wot did ya pull bro was nt round for your end weight ? sold up and booked away for 2 weeks in st lucia cant fuckin wait lol!!
Thats awesome mate, congrats. Just out of interest, how did you go about walking into the bank with 80 oz worth of cash to pay in lol?