The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Morning ppl, out of interest what DN site are ppl using currently? hoping for one that displays prices in ££ not BC preferably as cant be arsed to sit n convert it every bloody time lol


Well-Known Member
you can change it on agora to usd tho if you want.

me mandrax has been shipped, the vendor soon took down the free sample listing lol

fillet steak, 2eggs n toast breakfast of champions! or fat bastards lol


Well-Known Member
you can change it on agora to usd tho if you want.

me mandrax has been shipped, the vendor soon took down the free sample listing lol

fillet steak, 2eggs n toast breakfast of champions! or fat bastards lol
sounds nice havnt had a fillet for ages gonna have some pan fried chicken and potatoes and juice about 4 grapefruit


Well-Known Member
If formetou gets back to me on his packaging imma get a few different script like codeine, morphine n dex..n a few others from a few vendors, gonna spend 100e on a few different random types...for science


Well-Known Member
If formetou gets back to me on his packaging imma get a few different script like codeine, morphine n dex..n a few others from a few vendors, gonna spend 100e on a few different random types...for science
fuck the codeine n morphine off both make you feel real sick with no tolerance, oxys tho have a extended release, make shore its at least a 40mg n that will buzz you out all day long with no opiate tolerance, take the slow release off tho n your spew.

few vendors have roofies now that ive seen, fucking expensive tho.


Well-Known Member
Yeah saw a few slow release just never know when ur gonna be attacked by a bear lok.. I know I've probably asked u a million times but what do u recommend? Definitely getting the acti off zeus n u also recommended clomazapam


Well-Known Member
Yeah saw a few slow release just never know when ur gonna be attacked by a bear lok.. I know I've probably asked u a million times but what do u recommend? Definitely getting the acti off zeus n u also recommended clomazapam
do you mean clonzepam? they i highly recommend also called rivotril or klonopin you want the 2mg versions, they are pretty much the best benzo for rec use cause they last so long n hit hard.

the dexedrine i recommend but its pretty expensive, and maybe to some1 who likes there phet alot a touch mild, deffo worth a bash tho.

oxycontin but only 40mg or 80mg and leave the slow release on unless your a secret smackhead lol leave it on and they will buzz you out hard for 8hr plus, not the sorta buzz you can hide tho you will geta proper smackhead nod on but its a lovely buzz, not all itchy n sicky like normal morphine sulphate.

Flunitrazepam 2mg from teva, aka roofies worth a bash but not as strong as the media myths make out.

Lorazepam/ativan 2.5mg are nice too, they hit real quick and hard but they also ware off real quick.
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Well-Known Member
do you mean clonzepam? they i highly recommend also called rivotril or klonopin you want the 2mg versions, they are pretty much the best benzo for rec use cause they last so long n hit hard.

the dexedrine i recommend but its pretty expensive, and maybe to some1 who likes there phet alot a touch mild, deffo worth a bash tho.

oxycontin but only 40mg or 80mg and leave the slow release on unless your a secret smackhead lol leave it on and they will buzz you out hard for 8hr plus, not the sorta buzz you can hide tho you will geta proper smackhead nod on but its a lovely buzz, not all itchy n sicky like normal morphine sulphate.

Flunitrazepam 2mg from teva, aka roofies worth a bash but not as strong as the media myths make out.

Lorazepam/ativan 2.5mg are nice too, they hit real quick and hard but they also ware off real quick.
I think u cud be a pharmacist man ha


Well-Known Member
do you mean clonzepam? they i highly recommend also called rivotril or klonopin you want the 2mg versions, they are pretty much the best benzo for rec use cause they last so long n hit hard.

the dexedrine i recommend but its pretty expensive, and maybe to some1 who likes there phet alot a touch mild, deffo worth a bash tho.

oxycontin but only 40mg or 80mg and leave the slow release on unless your a secret smackhead lol leave it on and they will buzz you out hard for 8hr plus, not the sorta buzz you can hide tho you will geta proper smackhead nod on but its a lovely buzz, not all itchy n sicky like normal morphine sulphate.

Flunitrazepam 2mg from teva, aka roofies worth a bash but not as strong as the media myths make out.

Lorazepam/ativan 2.5mg are nice too, they hit real quick and hard but they also ware off real quick.
would you think im a pussy if i said I like co codamols lol


Well-Known Member
I think u cud be a pharmacist man ha
yeah im shore that would work out really well for me irish lmao

i forgot tamazepam lol but they are hard to get the good shit from activis, most are the generics restoril 30mg and from india etc n not a true dosage, and of course mandrax highly recommed that shit especially smoked.

@Son of sae lol install that browser, then open it up and put this addy in http://agorahooawayyfoe.onion/login sign up n job done.

u may need a referal code, your find plenty here tho http://lacbzxobeprssrfx.onion/index.php/board,15.0.html


Well-Known Member
what I'm thinking with the oxy n shit is the gf goes to work early n is back late so if I take it after I walk the dog n she's at work I'm laughing..well dribbling..sound man, definitely gonna get the clom but I'd tried one 2mg before n it didn't do shit to me n it was my mates personal prescription from the docs so I didn't try ir again, felt more off the diazepam...saying that I did take one n I never only take one diaz lol


Well-Known Member
benzo tolerance is strange lax, nowt im proud of but i can take dosage's that would prob kill peeps and all i do is get a slight dribble on lol clonzepam tho is well documented as being one of the longest lasting benzos and also hits hard.

be carefull with the oxy mind, n dont try crushing n sniffing em or owt just take the tab with the slow release on, they are some seriously strong pain pills.

the dex, your need to take at least 20mg at once to get a nice buzz on, ice pills from canada are also very nice and mild, spose to be a mix of meth n phet but they aint in no high dosage was just a nice clean buzz but really really clean ive never had meth on its own or smoked etc n dont plan too but the ice pills didnt feel like just normal phet.
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