Yeh do it and send us all a bottle lolol tbh I don't know if I could stomach it I'm shit at stuff like that a mushie brew has me heaving so aya I don't know if I could hold it down id give it go tho lolI looking at cooking up some aya ha ha time to revisit I think
dabbing it smoking concentrates like bho etc in kinda bong thing dont worry mate i had to ask me self how its done a few day ago lol im all good mrt you know how it is mate shit rarely change's.whats all this dabbing then? i go away for a few months and theres all this new lingo lol.
hows things mate?
tbh I wasn't that fond of the lsd but I've given her another shot..just to have a little variation to my crop..the suprise in the cheese suprise is there are no cheese genetics in here..Jk lol I dunno man suprised my neighbours ain't smelt anything yet tbh haha... Not had the gringo yet, a thread oldie was on about getting a cut for a bit n was singing it's are you finding her?Nice. Cheese surprise is a new one on me sounds interesting. LSD is pretty nice for barneys. Whats the surprise in the cheese genetics you know (sounds like its a secret). How do you rate gringo? You close to essex i take it?
Ez Zed n Ghetto grower. Everyone loving the concentrates on here tooIm probably gonna run the cssh plant i got as i pollinated it but she is a beast.
Ul have to wake him on the sofa in a couple hours man haAlright boozle how are ya...u new? I popped my dab cherry yesterday and nownim hooked lol...DABS not even once lolol....I had a gringo cut but the little babbi died on me I've got the cheese I'm just looking for something fruity really so I've popped a few seeds to see if I can find me mate coming round in a min I'm gonna give him a right big dab make him dribble and everything haha haha he aint got a clue whats about to hit him
he said dab not date rape lol...would be funny if he edited his post n changed dabs to date rape lolUl have to wake him on the sofa in a couple hours man ha
Alright boozle how are ya...u new? I popped my dab cherry yesterday and nownim hooked lol...DABS not even once lolol....I had a gringo cut but the little babbi died on me I've got the cheese I'm just looking for something fruity really so I've popped a few seeds to see if I can find me mate coming round in a min I'm gonna give him a right big roofie make him dribble and take advantage of his ass haha haha he aint got a clue whats about to hit him
i read what I wanna read lol just looks funnier with date rape especially with a ending like " he ain't got a clue what's gonna hit him" and a few references to dribbling lolI tink u read it wrong lax ^^^^
pics clean btwfully pollinated gringo s1![]()