The UK Growers Thread!


ffs i have finely found out my prob in my room my fucking shitty tt 100 r2 fan fucking dog shit its only 187m3/hour what a cunt no wounder i couldnt control the heat in my tent last grow only got it cos was just told just get any 6" fan will be fine now i known more about air exchange ill get that sorted asap and the fucking 2000w oil rad in the shed fucking hell coasting £6ish a day ill be fucking that off to what are them tent heaters like any one got one ?
Thats a 4 inch bathroom fan?


Well-Known Member
Me nickname pal I cart pronounce me R's pwoperly so lads call me Jon Lambo the cunts... its a fucking long stowry!

Ray Rag ran across a rough road. Across a rough road Ray Rag ran. Where is the rough road Ray Rag ran across?

Any chance u cud say that and record it then post it on here i cud do wit a good lauf


Well-Known Member
dont think so it came with a carborn filter unless i got ripped off on ebay last year when i brought its a vents tt 100 r2 pice of shit


Well-Known Member
and you sound like a skipping record. your hubby out at work and you got nothing better to be doing?

pompey i made it about two weeks with that fan on my first grow, it was july and i had no intake. i upgraded it to a proper 5" extractor and noticed a world of difference, temps went from the 100s to 70s


Well-Known Member
and you sound like a skipping record. your hubby out at work and you got nothing better to be doing?

pompey i made it about two weeks with that fan on my first grow, it was july and i had no intake. i upgraded it to a proper 5" extractor and noticed a world of difference, temps went from the 100s to 70s

yeh i was none the wiser m8 when i brought it i never under stood the exchange rate ect its not to bad where its in my shed and cold at the min shed has 2 air bricks in and a little gap under the door plus the little 4" intake so getting plenty of fresh air i was doing a little research cos i wanna upgrade my stuff and make a slightly bigger room was looking at and 8" rk as they seem to move more air then the rvk only got about 4 weeks left of this crop so ill be making some improvements


Well-Known Member
Morning lads...reminder Irish .
illiterate is more to do with reading ( also writing but I'd refer that as grammatical errors) more so than spelling...I'm assuming you're referring to grammatical errors
if so you're pretty thick yourself buttercup, obvious ones being English* n not starting sentence with capitalsnor do you use full stops n what not but hey its a cannabis forum only a moron incorrectly points this shit out.
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Well-Known Member
noise! it may be an issue depending on your circumstances. i once ran 1200w hps and an 8" rvk in a shed, yu coud hear it at the end of the garden lol. god knows how it never got nicked

ill get a fan speed controller and build an mdf box of some sort thought id go bigger now cos soon i wants 6 plants and thought maybe 2 600w or 1 1000w but in summer my shed is like a green house so would help more then
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Well-Known Member
Having a bit of problem getting these lemon to root at.the min took a few more the other day hopefully they take if not time to crack on with the Jakes dream I might crack a couple today fuck a nice bit of trim to work with as well, got all me items in me eBay basket I need for extracting just need to transfer some dosh now
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Well-Known Member
Having a bit of problem getting these lemon to root at.the min took a few more the other day hopefully they take if not time to crack on with the Jakes dream I might crack a couple today fuck a nice bit of trim to work with as well, got all me items in me eBay basket I need for extracting just need to transfer some dosh now
ha ha yeah man its the sativa in her I rec but she does root eventually, I got all the yanks on ignore so the thread is a bit weird but hey ho what ya don't know don't bother ya all I will say is fags are fags and they will die and be forgotten, totally pointless existence ....fact


Well-Known Member
nice one of my cuttings out of about 8 finely showed it had rooted today not that i got anywhere to put it just wanted to see if it worked when i lollipoped zeddd said it was prob cos i never cut them under water :wall: so next time i do that i still got some ice x ww seeds that i got as a free gift when i ordered my last lot of seeds i can always try 2


Well-Known Member
all I will say is fags are fags and they will die and be forgotten, totally pointless existence ....fact
Yeah, no one remembers fags like Alexander the great or Alan Turing. Totally pointless existences.

I'm not sure you understand the meaning of the word - fact.