The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I run bb n tiptoes right man.ur best of trying out a few for urself n see what works best for u n seed hunting is one of the funnest parts of growing!!! Got about a million strains I wanna grow n each time I look up a breeders page I have ten more I wanna grow.

fuk pheno hunting,
mission and a expensive time consumin hobby right ther

right gunna play ps4 for a hour


Well-Known Member
hello fellow gardeners !!
ive been away for a while on vacation at hmp :D
hows everybody been hanging ?
anyway during my visit to hmp i lost all my strains luckily a friend saved my favourite but im now deciding what to run

anyone had any experience with dinafem cheese
or green house ssh

hope you all good and glad to be back :P


Well-Known Member
Mates down from the big city so smooooking time gonna get the ball rolling with my blunt game of 3 different strains n missus brought a load of munch home last night, literally 2 boxes lol


Well-Known Member
Easy boys how do? Well me Jakes dream and sour kush x deep blue landed today I'm proper tempted to crack a few but these are gonna have to wait a few month I think...I got 5 in flower and 5 in veg once I folio the next lot after that grow I'm gonna take everything down for a bit redecorate then just set 1 tent back up I think or maybe seven try and get a cheap house somewhere and do it propa


Well-Known Member
Don't listen to ice he's not even growing

fuk u,
yes i am (kinda) 2 on window sill at inlaws for past 6 months.
and u only been growing again 2 mins and pap weed at that no?
hello fellow gardeners !!
ive been away for a while on vacation at hmp

your not another cunt bak with a new name who owes me P are you? :/

witch establishment was u vactioning at? i personally liked durham and lincoln. holme house wouldnt accept me the CUNTS! so went to everthorpe, actualy that was orte too, in my top 3 jails o see before u die for sure.
hulls ok ish but mingin, armly just suks ass,
i do enjoy the drives to certain jails to


Well-Known Member
well Rambo gave me good advice which I ignored smoked psycho for 6 weeks stsit and lost the plot, lose it omg hanging in there mrs evapourating.....BOOOOM 3 days on the exo and we back on the ice cream, niiiiice to be fuked wi, I did a job in full Sutton prison once lol special unit for nasty cunts, fukin great day out lol police dog chewing my razor wire and handler in tears poor cunt, shudnt use dogs for pig work imo


Well-Known Member
well Rambo gave me good advice which I ignored smoked psycho for 6 weeks stsit and lost the plot, lose it omg hanging in there mrs evapourating.....BOOOOM 3 days on the exo and we back on the ice cream, niiiiice to be fuked wi, I did a job in full Sutton prison once lol special unit for nasty cunts, fukin great day out lol police dog chewing my razor wire and handler in tears poor cunt, shudnt use dogs for pig work imo
lolol i remember saying that ages ago lolol i still stick by it that fucking pyscho when grown properly and taken to 9/10 wks is way too strong for a staple smoke day in day out its called pyschosis for a reason lmao


sorry to read that mate about the ticker, musta been fucking scary, my dad had a couple a long time ago got fixxed up by the docs n has been going on strong for time now, get ya new funky hydro in action mate that will keep ya busy looks sweet as too geezer carnt wait to see the co's in that.