The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I was sat in work most of last week shouting that out loud, purely to try and work out where it was from, my boss started to get a bit peeved :D NICE ONE BRUVAAAAAAAAAA!!!
Haha, when me and the lads drink we always just end up shouting it at each other. Must be our demographic haha.

lol im growing in uk on my windowsill but its doing pretty good heres a pic i just took now:View attachment 1507941
I tried window sill grow last year, you'll get some really stretchy plants but right now it's too early so that things going to go into flower straight away. You wanna leave it till the end of may to veg with the sunlight.


Well-Known Member
even if it is flower itll still carry on growing so im not bothered
just keep it in a room with light at night to stop it flowering then when summer is in full blast put it away so it gets 12 hour of real good sun every day whilst it flowers................not sure if i made sense....


Well-Known Member
lovely looking setup you got dr g dre

i need to change so much and get loads of new equipment most of me stuff is brought a few yrs ago when i was clueless and a few bits have been brought cheap or in desperation now ive got 6'' reflectors with 5'' fans 4'' filters with 5'' fans 6'' filter with 5'' fan all taped n tied 2gether not pretty and only just about does the job.

2 6'' acoustic fans, fan controller and another 6'' cooltube and il be happy, wallet wont be tho lol n aint got it till me next few are down so they gonna av to just keep ghetto growing for now.


Active Member
I used A 6" TT fan with a 250w for my DR60. Worked well.
One of these as an extractor should do you fine and put an air mover fan in front of your vents to draw the air in should be ok.

What light u going with, anything 400w and under I think this setup will be fine
i grow in 2x1x6 foot area, and vent straight up through the ceiling. Just use a budget 5" rkf fan, but damn does it work...

Thats the stuff i use. Cheapest i could get away with...
Oh I'm gonna be growing with my LED light but thanks very much you lot, thats really helpful.


Well-Known Member
lol, man got thrown in at the deep end, by a chimp!

even if it is flower itll still carry on growing so im not bothered
It won't grow very big though is what I meant. But like del said, you could leave a CFL bulb on all the time in that room to keep it vegging.


Active Member
hey peeps got a question my plants are gettin close to harvest time but a bit unsure when 2 do it!! is it when 75% of the hairs have turned orange?? thanx

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
A microscope is always a good idea, or a jewelers loup. On the whole though, i just chop em when i chop em, if i do it slightly early or slightly late, there's always next time :)


Active Member
lol. yeh suppose! dont have either of those but my plant has only started turning orange 5days ago so another couple of weeks maybe??

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Cock! Could really really do with £100 right now :( that's just an unfair price to sell em at :/ although saying that i think i'd have to make that £200 :D i don't even play games any more and my computer is bigger than some a lot of the plants i grow, and consumes almost as much power as the plants use :lol: think i'd rather shift that power over into lights than shiny graphics cards and processors :D