The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
My plants look like shit, they are yellow, droppy and dried out to fuck but still yielding well, ive missed a loads of feeds this grow and my shit is still alive and growing, u honestly dont need to worry so much,


Well-Known Member
Nah done start again he may as well finish it just for the learning experience if he starts over he might fuck up on flowering then, these plants couldnt get any more shocked so it's grand lol.all jokes aside Gary is right man, I was reading for near a yr before I even started. Once u have the basics n just want a little banter n a bit of help come back ur a sound lad n believe it or not the lads are being easy on u....


Well-Known Member
is this a competition of who has the ugliest plant or summit.

i reckon the haze i cut on wed takes the prize, ugliest cunting thing i have ever seen, it started by stretching into the barebulb 600 then went downhill from there. it was halfway between veg and flower when it got flipped and as a result all the buds are grew too close together and ended up a tangled floppy mess of dead crispy leaves and fluffy buds, not happy with the results but it'll save me buying weed until the other plants are done. bought haze for 240 yesterday and it is harsh on the throat and has no flavour, i fail to see how this could be worse.

skip to bout 2:20 in

i would hate to imagine how you react if your plant was looking like this pompey. i really couldn't give two fucks.


Well-Known Member
haha man i thought i had real problems i guess im just over thinking and worrying far to much it just killed me seeing all my leafs just hanging and every one else's look like they got a hard on and pointing to the light lol. I will see what they are like at 3pm when lights come bk on i gotta put them into flower soon or ill run out of room


Well-Known Member
Listen to us on here Pompey and you be growing fire in a year well that's if chez comes back lololol......but honestly get em on 40 ml now they need it maybe even a quick one off 50 ml dose a little burnt tip is better than a load of yellow leaves .......and use rhiz all the way thru veg the toots love it FACT! And buy some liquid silicon use at 1ml per litre and you'll be thanking me in 2 weeks ;)