Well-Known Member
what weight are you looking at for that crop?So am I.
Stick another £3000 on top and you're somewhere near.
what weight are you looking at for that crop?So am I.
Stick another £3000 on top and you're somewhere near.
25-30ozwhat weight are you looking at for that crop?
nice much you want for 925-30oz
Sorry I can't talk shop on the site, not that I would rashly jump into something so quick anyway.nice much you want for 9
there the same as yoursSorry I can't talk shop on the site, not that I would rashly jump into something so quick anyway.
We've yet to see your cards mate.
We can't just take your word for it.there the same as yours
ok .....gimme five minsWe can't just take your word for it.
We have a saying round here......"Pictures or it didn't happen".
And don't forget to scrub your EXIF data or we'll find your spot.![]()
ok ok ok hold your horsesyeah that Breadbarry needs to show some pics I rec
im alrite mate, just dossing about having a drink.evening mate hows you?
gnatrol it's nice n cheap 2Relax what was that gnat stuff you bought I seem to be in a losing battle with these little black cunts!!! Its a daily battle with em and there in me flower room the cunts I need em gone fast....I've diluted gnat off and sprayed em ta fuck but they resilient as fuck and hide it little corners and crevices Heisenberg would be going mental
i think theres different grades of wagyu beef mate, i no it can be super expensive but asda fucking sell it lol thats where me pal works if you like ya steak you should give it a go, its tasty as, is the marbling/fat content in the steak that makes it taste better i think? but it deffo taste alot nicer than normal steak.still havnt tried that wagyu beef yet some welsh farmer is sellin it but its way pricey and I baulked at it, funny really when spent way more for drugs