The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
If you have to venture downstairs mid-film to take a piss, you might as well roll a reef while you're down there, burning one be damned :D


Active Member
this is my 1st grow ever its 10 blue cheese in a 1.2x1.0x2.0 metre square tent with a 600w

these pictures are on the 44th day of 12/12 (6 weeks and 2 days)
theyve got 26 days left

feeding them on canna coco and the canna nutrients,and the last 2 weeks before flush also using advanced nutrient overdrive,ther livin in auto pots(picture below) with 16 litre pots

humidity 40%-60%
temp 22-28c

how am i doing?
does anybody think i will hit the 1gram 1watt mark?


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hey cappeeler nice grow! doubt you'll hit 1gram a watt tho id say you'll hit about .6 or .7 if your lucky hitting that 1g per watt thing is f@ckin nails man

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
picture time!

there you have em :) couple of things.

1. someone tell me now, just why someone decided that growing from small pots and then transfering into larger pots was a good idea. messy, damages the roots, and a total PITA that i really don't need. from last grow, i can see that there is no reason not to go straight into large pots.

2. why do they all seem to be dying! every plant is showing signs of failure. my fem'd white widow seed is a full on mutant, she's the one top middle, her leaves are alll absolutely fucked, not one is leaf shaped or the right way up etc. all 4 of the larger ones are really pale green, yellowing, and flimsy and droopy 24/7. i'm gonna up their feed, but i'm not happy with em!


Active Member
Right here goes, i'm getting a little nervous with the cold weather coming in fast to the uk.
I have a short rider autoflower female in my greenhouse which is bubble wrapped and shes doin well at the moment, about a week since flowering has started to show.

The temp when i got into the car this morning was 4c, i read sumwhere that below that the plant goes into shock an could die.
If i move her into the house will this shock the plant too much an kill her off???? Will there be enough natural light comin through the windows tohelp her flower??
I'd rather try sumthing an she not make it than just leave her there to die.
Any advice is greatly appreciated.


hi all, got a 1mx1mx2m budbox with a 400w light, extraction fan and carbon filter with clip on fan inside for 5 cheese plants from a friend that were transported to mine in a carrier bag, no soil:cry: really scraggly but have perked up running light on for 18hrs 6 off, extraction 24/7 clip on fan on timer with lights, temp range between 70-80c and humidity between 45%-50%.will get some pics on here real soon next day or 2.any input greatly received.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Right here goes, i'm getting a little nervous with the cold weather coming in fast to the uk.
I have a short rider autoflower female in my greenhouse which is bubble wrapped and shes doin well at the moment, about a week since flowering has started to show.

The temp when i got into the car this morning was 4c, i read sumwhere that below that the plant goes into shock an could die.
If i move her into the house will this shock the plant too much an kill her off???? Will there be enough natural light comin through the windows tohelp her flower??
I'd rather try sumthing an she not make it than just leave her there to die.
Any advice is greatly appreciated.
i got 2 plants outdoors at the mo its been a bit wet last few days im sure they will survive ive had outdoor plants still growin in nov im lookin at cuttin mine down begginin of nov or later if the weather holds u should be ok in the green house im more likly to suffer from bud rot if it keeps rainin. keep it out there till she looks like shes sufferin keep a close eye on it tho any stress bring her in i reckon u still got bout a month so keep her out there hope it helps good luck :joint::mrgreen:ras:blsmoke:


Active Member
i got 2 plants outdoors at the mo its been a bit wet last few days im sure they will survive ive had outdoor plants still growin in nov im lookin at cuttin mine down begginin of nov or later if the weather holds u should be ok in the green house im more likly to suffer from bud rot if it keeps rainin. keep it out there till she looks like shes sufferin keep a close eye on it tho any stress bring her in i reckon u still got bout a month so keep her out there hope it helps good luck :joint::mrgreen:ras:blsmoke:
cheers man, heres hopin for some crackin smoke, i bought a short rider hopin for a small plant to hide, shes touchin 40 inches from soil to tip lol

Straight up G

New Member
Right here goes, i'm getting a little nervous with the cold weather coming in fast to the uk.
I have a short rider autoflower female in my greenhouse which is bubble wrapped and shes doin well at the moment, about a week since flowering has started to show.

The temp when i got into the car this morning was 4c, i read sumwhere that below that the plant goes into shock an could die.
If i move her into the house will this shock the plant too much an kill her off???? Will there be enough natural light comin through the windows tohelp her flower??
I'd rather try sumthing an she not make it than just leave her there to die.
Any advice is greatly appreciated.
You could put a heater in your greenhouse plenty of people that arn't growing weed do it for lesser plants in winter..
You could put a heater in your greenhouse plenty of people that arn't growing weed do it for lesser plants in winter..

Hey ppl

New UK grower here :peace:

Too much crap bud around here and sick of getting ripped off so thought I'd do my own. The last chap I bought from put it in the fridge to make it weigh more! Ain't putting up with dirty tricks like that anymore.


Well-Known Member
Hey ppl

New UK grower here :peace:

Too much crap bud around here and sick of getting ripped off so thought I'd do my own. The last chap I bought from put it in the fridge to make it weigh more! Ain't putting up with dirty tricks like that anymore.
id rather it bin in the fridge than sprayed with fuknows wotbongsmilie


New Member
whats the best soil that is available from either b+q or homebase.
and whats the best in your opinions.
what works well and whats not so good or no good.
thanks for you opinions everyone.
some experience of using your particular choice of soil and the results would be really handy.



tip top toker

Well-Known Member
whats the best soil that is available from either b+q or homebase.
and whats the best in your opinions.
what works well and whats not so good or no good.
thanks for you opinions everyone.
some experience of using your particular choice of soil and the results would be really handy.


i went to a bnq megalopolis, and they had sweet fuck all in terms of choice for soil. didn't have what i wanted at all.

a friend who's been in green for the alst 20 years or so reccomended John Illes no.2 mix. along with perlite and 5mm sand, in like a 3:2:1 ratio. i used this and it seemed to give pretty good results. was my first grow so i can't comment on just how effective it is, but certainly ran into no drainage bug problems blah blah and the plants seemed to like it. i had to goto a propper garden center to find what i was after. even the flower pot range at bnq is pretty limited, and very expensive. i just shelled out £3 a go for run of the mill plastic runoff tray things...