The UK Growers Thread!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
street fighter 2?
i played SF1 in an arcade years ago, the daddy of them all really, not as good as sf2 but the original.
i was raised on the snes sf2, reckon i'd give you a fight at least with guile

Any after the original Streetfighter on the arcade, it was shite, as an unwritten rule we don't talk about that one. lol

My personal favourite is Alpha 3 on the Dreamcast.


ohh must be sum spaz i have on ignore

playing wolfenstein

No wonder ur pretending uv got me on ignore,or actually u probably have,cause if I was a Walter Mitty rocket that gave out shite advice to cunts who know better than me and even worse pretend im something im not,commercial ops etc etc when u cant even grow normally,its no wonder,my nose would be out of place too,so its cool im an understanding for ur 1200w in a 1.8 x 0.6 tent,ill get to that another time lol ya cracker.Telling Mainey his clones were fucked cause some of the bottom leaves had yellowed,says it all really,ur a parrot,ur advice isnt from experience ur just repeating stuff uv heard,hense why most of its bullshit cause uv never tried it to know.
Now I really am going to do that guide for u,ill feed bad for bursting ur manky bubble so ill get to it now


Well-Known Member
can't wait to get mine on 12/12 too shawny, still not sexed them so might bang them in the flower room for a week to see what they do.

nice blueberry haze sounds sweet, like a uk clone only blue dream

doppey stop backtracking will you?!, making yourself sound like even more of a window licker now

Yeh blueberry haze would be nice tbh they're looking like early finishers which is a bit strange....the lemony one is getting a lot of purple hue to her now as well


Well-Known Member
More of a tekken man me self akuma or hworang and your going down lolol

Just woke up in the van on the way home....feel like a zombie now man


Well-Known Member
well the 2x livers and exo are coming down tomorrow, seen the first amber trich

so they are done.
9 weeks 4 days
8 weeks BAAHAHAHA my arse

bizzle you ghoji is about ready, i have about 2cm root hanging form the bottom of the cut.

so the bubble works
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Well-Known Member
Lol mines coming down at 8 week maybe 9 at a very push I'm already fighting myself from scrumping lmao.....Yeh that's sound mate I'm in no rush like but as soon as she's ready I'll have it off ya mate


Well-Known Member
Lol mines coming down at 8 week maybe 9 at a very push I'm already fighting myself from scrumping lmao.....Yeh that's sound mate I'm in no rush like but as soon as she's ready I'll have it off ya mate
no worries will have a dog too? upto u mate, im stoked they have rooted to be perfctly honest like.

just guna wait till ther all rooted then il pot em in tiny coco pots since they aint in plugs.


Well-Known Member
Aye its about time man lol..Yeh go on then send me a puppy too mate....think there's something going about because my mrs is being one mardy bitch...makes u wanna extend your arm and bitch slap a ho


no worries will have a dog too? upto u mate, im stoked they have rooted to be perfctly honest like.

just guna wait till ther all rooted then il pot em in tiny coco pots since they aint in plugs.
no u wont,stop lying,ull go and fuck about with them and kill them,thats if any have even rooted.ime once they root theyre a mass of roots.when u first pot them they may droop,dont know if its the same doing it in a bubble cloner,but if they do just put a poly bag over them till they take to the soil.hope that helps pal!


Well-Known Member
so when u gonna fuck off then gboy your ya own nation soon aint yas?

world cup 9days is it? i looking forward to this one more than many i think bar maybe euro ''96'' i think it was when we held the euros? aint brazil on sum funky hrs compared to ours tho think some of the games are gonna be late.


Well-Known Member
Evening Rambo where u been hiding mate?
Yeah 18th september we hopefully break free lol

World cup shud be gd, think Portugal or Holland will be the surprise winners,


Well-Known Member
aint been hiding nowhere oldboy, just aint been arsed n reading back i know why lolol

nar been on me downer following the lengthy session n not the most sociable irl or online with or without a drink, looking forward to the WC tho n been playing me games recently loving gta5, watchdogs i find a bit repetitive n boring tbh.


Well-Known Member
Think most the World Cup games are on at something like 7pm, 9pm and 11pm, around them times anyway. That's good for cunts like me that work, at least ill get to watch it


Well-Known Member
not too late then, i think one of the england games is a 11pm kickoff our time, gonna have to have a look at the draw n how it can go n have a few bets on some longshots ya never know??? fuck i remember greece yrs ago winning the euros at the start they where mega odds....


Well-Known Member
not too late then, i think one of the england games is a 11pm kickoff our time, gonna have to have a look at the draw n how it can go n have a few bets on some longshots ya never know??? fuck i remember greece yrs ago winning the euros at the start they where mega odds....
Aye the last euros was all on during the day wernt it?.....I got to see fuckall lol


Well-Known Member
livers/exo, 400 hps. 9 weeks 4 days on

topmaxx- 3.5ml
calmag as needed
canna A+B 2ml per
pk week 4.5-7.5 reducing dose from 1.5ml per

