The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
dual spec hps they use, i use sonT for flower and MH for veg, good results and happy with it, plus the MH doesent raise temps as much

and gary, yeh that blue systemair one, plugged controller on and nada, il try again later, i may have been having a brain fart :?

anwyays both lights are hooked bak up, shoudl start getting beastly now 3 under 1200
Yeah man check again cos ive got the wee cheap speed controller on mine and it works fine, so u shouldnt have a problem, apart from that what u think of the fan?


Im not worried about the light colour,i just want to know if by taking it out my tent into not intense light if ill stress her,id rather veg her under a 600 for 12 hours a day than on 18/6 but a 250 cfl,when I get some pennies I may invest in a 250 mh,cfls good for bringing on clones and just the fact it runs cool but u cant beat the hids for intensity.
Does anyone else grow with no lst or anything at all?i bought into all the "u dont want xmas tree shaped plants" and supercropping,mainlining etc etc but u heard it here first,its all bullshit,thats ok if u have lroblems with space but in a 120 tent u can grow good sized plants and I actually prefer the one main dominant cola,my last cheese is like that but its starting to lean quite badly to the side,ive heard of plants toppling but I was looking and thinking about it last night and it grows so slowly surely it will balance itself out?like would there not have to be something geneticaly wrong with a plant if it grew in a way that it would snap its own branches?


Well-Known Member
Just got in checked me clones and 2 have rooted so won't be long til I got another 12 strong team on the go ;) ..... so we entertaining this doppy bollox now are we?


Well-Known Member
i got 1200 over my 3 now, IF the temps are good ill throw the ghoji and dog in flower the supercropping went well absoultely no signs of stress or anything, besides ther getting to big for me flowe rtent and il throw the exo in, in a few weeks maybe.

roots already bizzle? shiiyat my cuts in bubbler taken 4 weeks and still not rooted properly look


Well-Known Member
Afternoon all, got filter swapped over n smell disappeared from the flat within the hour lol, thats 2 filters now that have died on me with less than 8 weeks use out of them, both are those buddy filters that Ice reccommended a few pages back, hopefull this new filter will at least last me til harvest time now lol.

Ordering my 6" fan in the next few days so that should help with keeping the temps down at last, just need to find the money for some insulated ducting now lol

@ICE your filter choice is shit lmao


Good good...the man shows utter disrespect for the thread and the folk on here then keeps crawling back like he said fuck all slimey snake in the grass that fucker lol
Ur a fucking absolute tit.dont dish it out if u cant take it,just passing through u know,but thanks for jogging my memory about what a great cunt u r


Well-Known Member
Afternoon all, got filter swapped over n smell disappeared from the flat within the hour lol, thats 2 filters now that have died on me with less than 8 weeks use out of them, both are those buddy filters that Ice reccommended a few pages back, hopefull this new filter will at least last me til harvest time now lol.

Ordering my 6" fan in the next few days so that should help with keeping the temps down at last, just need to find the money for some insulated ducting now lol

@ICE your filter choice is shit lmao

shiyyat they that shit? they have 2 yr garuntee? send teh fuckers bak


Well-Known Member

Yeh ice man fastest I've had exo root so far think its been about 8-9 days not sure tho tbh lol but get ya sen jiffys and all that goodness then gimme a bell and I'll school u thru it lol ;)

Easy sae g gave me an old rhino pro a big fucker and it still works full on ccan't smell a thing mate


Well-Known Member
my buddha ones i cant smells hit enither, but that is on veg, il hook the other up later but its only rated at 250 m3 and il slamming a 700m3 extractor on it? :?

should be interesting

going chippy bbl il do sum snaps when i go up to feed after 6 wanna, wanna leave it a bit for temps to build up


Well-Known Member
how long do u leave it to cook for z.......that mix is like nature in a spliff lol
as long as I got it but u can use it raw cos its got more slow release N than subcools so wont burn young and its a living supersoil with worm mucus from the I use it after a week


Good good...the man shows utter disrespect for the thread and the folk on here then keeps crawling back like he said fuck all slimey snake in the grass that fucker lol
Thats a fucking topper actually,i came on here and got pelters so I gave as good as I got,if ur that childish or too much of a fanny to take it then that aint my problem


Well-Known Member

Yeh ice man fastest I've had exo root so far think its been about 8-9 days not sure tho tbh lol but get ya sen jiffys and all that goodness then gimme a bell and I'll school u thru it lol ;)

Easy sae g gave me an old rhino pro a big fucker and it still works full on ccan't smell a thing mate
hopefully this filter will last me to harvest then ill spend the money on a decent filter lol, 6 weeks till harvest n the filters last 6-7 before dying, gna be close lol