The UK Growers Thread!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
I didnt say I didnt believe the facts, what I said to you was ive never come across anything when I HAVE had a quick look at it that can be provable as fact (i.e. a forensic scientist saying photos were fake as opposed to a person on the internet with a theory they were).
Usually logic and a simple understanding of limiting factors are all that is needed.

I notice that Mythbuster's didn't try to debunk this photo.


How many light sources are there on the moon?

With completely apposing shadows even a child can spot the mistakes.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Do tell? A brief explanation if you will I dont wanna sit here churning thru hundreds of pages of info

i.e. " I can prove they are not on the ISS because Dr xxxxxxxx PHD has proven with X bit of research thata rocket could not deliver a payload to an orbiting object" etc etc
Did you not watch the video I posted at the start of the conversation?


Well-Known Member
Alright guys hows everyone doing? Bloody hate Sundays always boring to me lol. May have found a spot for doing some outdoors. Well tbh I'm gonna just start all my freebies and then bang em outside at this spot spread out type thing and see if anything comes of it. Not bothered either way as I ain't ever gonna grow em. Will hopefully be able to get the exo cuts of 1 of you lot when times right. About time I fucking gave it ago aint it.


Well-Known Member
Deep stuff boys deep stuff.....Riu Stonehenge smoke out would be fucked they'd be mass debate on how they got there then yorkie de bunking everything with all his facts lol while I'd just smoke and watch on with a smile from eae to ear lmao

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
An official video by Commander Chris Hadfield aboard the fake ISS (actually a zero G plane) as part of the fake Expedition 35 that never happened.

The barrel of the smoking gun behind Hadfields mysterious "Retirement" on his (supposed) return to earth is staring us all in the face.
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Well-Known Member
An official video by Commander Chris Hadfield aboard the fake ISS (actually a zero G plane) as part of the fake Expedition 35 that never happened.

The barrel of the smoking gun behind Hadfields mysterious "Retirement" on his (supposed) return to earth is pointing you in the face.
An official video by Commander Chris Hadfield aboard the fake ISS (actually a zero G plane) as part of the fake Expedition 35 that never happened.

The barrel of the smoking gun behind Hadfields mysterious "Retirement" on his (supposed) return to earth is pointing you in the face.
Hmmm less inclined to believe this one when zero G planes only go weightless for 20-30 seconds at a time n this is a 3 min video