The UK Growers Thread!

Holy Grail 888

Well-Known Member
you dont represent you UK your all bad gimps thats the last i have to say on here. Im 25 and got my head screwed on and doing great. Get your priorities straight lad. These arnt your real mates go out into the world and find a way to fill your days. their is more to life than roll it up haha inabit you poor cunt
i disagree this is all i have :spew:


Well-Known Member
you dont represent you UK your all bad gimps thats the last i have to say on here. Im 25 and got my head screwed on and doing great. Get your priorities straight lad. These arnt your real mates go out into the world and find a way to fill your days. their is more to life than roll it up haha inabit you poor cunt

so your 25 gt ya head screwed on yet your calling people OLDER than u lad?

err okeydokey then

and holynail, wtf wers ur attitude popped up from all ov a sudden, ur goin in the black book of knobs,
talking like that bowt our gazza, FUK U
ur gunna be shunned to the other page,


Well-Known Member
dodgy cunt its time for you to fuk off, u r not funny or interesting, ur threats are laughable, the reason the thread is this tight is none of your fuking business, stick to yer own thread gay lad


Well-Known Member
well i would say its you thats need to step from behind the keyboard boy,
you dont represent you UK your all bad gimps thats the last i have to say on here. Im 25 and got my head screwed on and doing great. Get your priorities straight lad. These arnt your real mates go out into the world and find a way to fill your days. their is more to life than roll it up haha inabit you poor cunt
real mates lolol when ya in this game boy these are ya real mates people who you can talk to on a level but dont know where ya live lol yours obv a little hobby grower using daddy broadband lmao

i lived more life than u could dream off and so have many in this thread all we want is a lil piece, if you dont like the thread dont use it simples.......

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Get your priorities straight lad. These arnt your real mates go out into the world and find a way to fill your days. their is more to life than roll it up
And what the fuck has it got to do with you how any one of the over 600.000 members of this forum from all over the world spend their time?

Absolutely sod all that's what, you need to get your priority's right by minding your own fucking business.