The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member

Quoting the Bible? Please!

You do realise that according to the bible black people are damned and don't go to heaven right?
Quote me the exact place in the Bible that statement is?
If you don't know it, it is because it is not there, just word of mouth, Oh but your a factual guy apparently.

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
looool bring ya youngers as well mate.....were all men dolphin pub, just outside tube station, will be here all the big lump in the grey stoney....

lool the police wont stop ya mate, u don't know that many people loool

why u fucking white pussy cause all dem bush animals u call women are ugly as fuck!!

the reason u can say honkey all day long is because no fucking whitey has ever heard of it....we don't have a slave term....for good reason, i would love to meet u face to face just to call u a nigger now, and see wot u can do looool

if u don't turn up will be annoyed, ur creating a buzz in ere loooool

Holy Grail 888

Well-Known Member
The same one everybody else has, unless we count the KJV!

are u sure u havent got some weird northern copy ?

thats it ! new conspiracy theory youve let the cat out the bag.

Northerners read weird bibles that say black people are doomed to hell amongst other ideas.

this strange bible makes the males more generally wet and more feminine ?
that sound right lol...
ha ha ha
