The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
What you guys make of this, Ive run this set up for 2 years now and it's got hot in summer but never any major problems like. Now I've got bedroom door open bringing in a real draft, 2 windows in the room open aswell. It's so cold that I'm under the blanket and I've had plenty grows where I'd just sleep on top. Still my temp probe is telling me my tents 82. I even fucking went and stood in the tent and didnt feel as hot as I've had it before. Plants aren't looking stressed but after such a bad crop last time I wanna get it bang on. Do I change the bat of the temp read? Buy a new one? Or go but whole new fan and filter when I'm sure it's not that hot but if it is then will need new.


Well-Known Member
Wtf, only just been able to get on !, waiting on reply to what that was, it's one of 6 beans off the tude I gave him.


Well-Known Member
What you guys make of this, Ive run this set up for 2 years now and it's got hot in summer but never any major problems like. Now I've got bedroom door open bringing in a real draft, 2 windows in the room open aswell. It's so cold that I'm under the blanket and I've had plenty grows where I'd just sleep on top. Still my temp probe is telling me my tents 82. I even fucking went and stood in the tent and didnt feel as hot as I've had it before. Plants aren't looking stressed but after such a bad crop last time I wanna get it bang on. Do I change the bat of the temp read? Buy a new one? Or go but whole new fan and filter when I'm sure it's not that hot but if it is then will need new.

batteries or a second thermometer, shit download a app, im sure tehr is one,


Well-Known Member
Rag week in our house, talk about avin to walk on egg shells, she either ignores me, or bites me fucking sweed off.hoora for cookies !
Ah man our women are on the same cycle mines back from holidays in a mood about the place..nothing worse than a woman on her period unless it's a German woman on her period.


Well-Known Member
Mines game but not if the bed is just made.
its a load of old bollaxs aint the blob its the bird, im game for a touch of bloodsports now n then lol and theres plenty of birds who are game too, its just a fucking excuse to act a cunt for the wk..........
Like my dear mammy always say "bitches be crazy"


Well-Known Member
its a load of old bollaxs aint the blob its the bird, im game for a touch of bloodsports now n then lol and theres plenty of birds who are game too, its just a fucking excuse to act a cunt for the wk..........
Now I can do wee, & I can do poo, but fuck that when the Russians are in ! I can't touch it for a good week or so.


Well-Known Member
[QUOTEkbazoomer, post: 10409568, member: 73359"]I feel dirty with all this liking[/QUOTE]
Feels good doesn't it...

before and after, so not 100% gone but point is, its fukall now, not gammy like before

Holy butt knuckles that's fucking repugnant! That kinda shit can't be unseen. You're lucky ur so tall n.didn't have to smell that fucker..fuuuck me its kinda impressive just how bad it got b4 you did something lol


Well-Known Member
[QUOTEkbazoomer, post: 10409568, member: 73359"]I feel dirty with all this liking
Feels good doesn't it...

Holy butt knuckles that's fucking repugnant! That kinda shit can't be unseen. You're lucky ur so tall n.didn't have to smell that fucker..fuuuck me its kinda impressive just how bad it got b4 you did something lol[/QUOTE]

lol it got that big wen sumthing WAS being done, only when i fucked of the nhs and nurses and docs did it start to get better. u can see tehrs huuuuuge diffrence, i had sum real bd pics wen it was infected n shit, but lost em


Well-Known Member
Aye nice tent fulls mainey all at different stages your gonna be a busy boy...are u UK then?

Just cracked a red stripe fuck it I'm a thirsty boy today...few tinnys few joints....happy as Larry lol ill be pissed soon 1 sniff of the barmaids apron and I'm fucked
Hahah yeh im a Uk Don Bro. Thanks. Yeh its going to be a busy long fruitful summer :-):rolleyes::D


Well-Known Member
So These are The Other 2 Tents, The Ones In flower, Im Loving How They Are Coming up. The girls without the scrog net round which got put few days ago cuz the damnesia grew like fuck they got a nasty stretch so had to be bent down friday would be week 4 for them the tent without is now day 11 and will be 2weeks in flower on friday. Tent 2 is coming along faster in development than the scrog tent but all in all they looking good. What do you guys think?


