The UK Growers Thread!

The walking dead been a right let down n has gone downhill since one of the writers/or director left after the first season. I can see it ending with a whimper but I'll remain forever hopeful till the gf gets home tonight n we watch it.
yeh i agree im watching it now.... in dog house with missus she told me to not bother woth moms day nd now shes mardy i dint giv her a lie in and left her to mop up,,, fuvking women
No fucking winning mate, the one upside would be the silent treatment...fucking love the moments my momma always said "bitches be crazy"
I've gotta fucking play a visit to local grow shop today cause out of nutes :( proper can't be arsed lol. Fucking bloke who has most my stuff has been nicked and can't get hold of him. Other ones a cunt n owes me money. Don't wanna end up stuck with weed when need money the most at the moment but then some how it always works out.
Yeah I start work April 11th. Fucking labourering :( hate building work man proper back breaking but fuck it least I know I've got more coming in than the shit wages.
Fuckin ell lads some bitchin' goin off last night wasn't they lol...I need to buy some more pots n dirt today...canna be arsed but needs must and all that
I feel to just go back to sleep fucking woke up at 8 had to be awake by 9 to turn lights off and body must of just told itself I can't fuck it up. Retarded me forgot clocks went forward lol when lights didnt come on I guessed timers were broke so unplugged em all.
I feel to just go back to sleep fucking woke up at 8 had to be awake by 9 to turn lights off and body must of just told itself I can't fuck it up. Retarded me forgot clocks went forward lol when lights didnt come on I guessed timers were broke so unplugged em all.

Lmao ya plumb mistake easily made tho....I havnt done it myself like but that's pretty funny man...I've just misted allmine with some liquid seaweed they fookin love it man
Hahaha well u know me thought me clones were gonna die so cracked some seeds next thing me exo clone was shooting growth so now I have far too many if you count all the cuts I took the other night....think I'm gonna rig up somewhere else as well now just need another cheap tent off eBay and a cheap 600 ballast and I'm sorted oh and a double 600 watt air cooled hood