The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
Gazza pm bro ill sort somethin else if any1 else needs anythin pm me pronto as the fuckin lot as gone haha dow worry sambo ic3 yr shit I there lol sambo ill be hittin me man for that piece ya wanted bro friday saturday so ill leave it to send with ya lemon no probs !!


Active Member
I'm guessing you are growing all sativa due to the long flowering period
Lol na mate ya jokin ay ya biggest cash croppin fiend in the thread haha work and other shit has me slackin on choppin thats all. Only just had shower fuckin started work at 7 and not long finished its all about the coin tho ive some catchin up to do muhahaha


Well-Known Member
Lol na mate ya jokin ay ya biggest cash croppin fiend in the thread haha work and other shit has me slackin on choppin thats all. Only just had shower fuckin started work at 7 and not long finished its all about the coin tho ive some catchin up to do muhahaha
7 am? I have to start x4 pure afghan and x4 green alien (all regular seeds) as my current grow sort of flopped as I had 2/2 plants that were male.


Well-Known Member
Fuck ill be up m8 got the school run to do with the kids so always up about 8 at the latest, its fucking brutal, can only imagine what its like starting at 7am


Active Member
Haha im up at 6am latest everyday like fuck ill be thinkin about this place at those times tho haha yakes me till 7 30 to wake up properly haha roll on the summer cant beat the sun wakin ya up out ya pit lol


Active Member
Fair play sae ya see thats wot I like about folk like yaself can neva sleeo haha fuck 5hrs sleeo and im ready to rock and roll haha id b same as u mate fuck id be climbin the walls without me job lol


Well-Known Member
yeah im the same mate, too many years working 2-3 jobs/80hr weeks etc etc, cant be doing all this laying in bed shit lol, fuck, when i get up in the morning im outta bed n kettle turnt on n having a fag in less than a minute after ive woken up lol


Well-Known Member
im up at 5 every morning, come on here after work an coffee at 6.30, then gardening then school run then work......and u aint the biggest clone only cash cropper on the thread lmao, ic3 is lmfao but u runnin a close second monkey man lol


Well-Known Member
im up at 5 every morning, come on here after work an coffee at 6.30, then gardening then school run then work......and u aint the biggest clone only cash cropper on the thread lmao, ic3 is lmfao but u runnin a close second monkey man lol
I'm up at 6 every morning but cant be bothered to show up on here:p


Well-Known Member
Grown ass men arguing who gets up first LOL chefs, change ur name to monkey man lol im tempted to change mine to prolaps lol morning lads, lol im day 2 into week 3 of flowerig n the buds are looking good...fingers grossed that I don't do a potato famine on this crop n kill em all lol

I get up first btw


Active Member
U up yet chedz u lazy cunt lmao
been up since 5:15am lol opened up yard as the yard man is a useless cunt loaded wagon filled out tako been post office and had me fuckin breaky u fucker lol

im up at 5 every morning, come on here after work an coffee at 6.30, then gardening then school run then work......and u aint the biggest clone only cash cropper on the thread lmao, ic3 is lmfao but u runnin a close second monkey man lol
lmao nearly garguled me sandwich up then haha

Whinging about getting up at 6 or 7 you bunch of fags.
wont find me moanin mate I lov the early starts be even betta in summer tho! Now thats a bonus.


Well-Known Member
been up since 5:15am lol opened up yard as the yard man is a useless cunt loaded wagon filled out tako been post office and had me fuckin breaky u fucker lol

lmao nearly garguled me sandwich up then haha

wont find me moanin mate I lov the early starts be even betta in summer tho! Now thats a bonus.
Remember years ago I was tiling in America n we would start at 5am to 6pm, mental hours but fuck me was the most money I've made in my life but fuck my you earned it but I've never forgotten how good the hard graft felt...propper work! Nowadays I sit on a fucking office chair complaining about how bored I am.