The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i bought a coupple baggies of spice gold, wasn't weed but it cetaily got me tripping in one form o another, oh, and a headache, they all seem to give headaches reaalllll good

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
shoulda asked the guy in the headshop where you could get some real smoke lol the herbal stuff is a bit weird imo high but not high and deffo on the headache. tho that could have been linked to the broon ale


Well-Known Member
i bought a coupple baggies of spice gold, wasn't weed but it cetaily got me tripping in one form o another, oh, and a headache, they all seem to give headaches reaalllll good
yeah i got the sore head but that was about it! Think i will just stick with the weed! Its cheaper too.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
it is indeed cheaper. the fake weeds are all generally designed to be smoked as blunts or in bongs.

and newcastle brown don? if so, ewwww


Well-Known Member
Watched a documentary on channel 4 about the legal highs, it was watching that, that made me wanna try it. The young folk that smoked the spice looked total wasted on it. So i thought, ill have some of that. Think i would have been as well smoking the money! Oh well, you learn by your mistakes.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
it is indeed cheaper. the fake weeds are all generally designed to be smoked as blunts or in bongs.

and newcastle brown don? if so, ewwww

man the broon dog is a treat man ice cold on a hot day. fantastic stuff tho i am partial to its sister the Newcastle exhibition. real heavy pint.

georide shandies man 1 bottle of smirnoff ice 1 bottle of brown ale smashed after 3.... hmmmm


Well-Known Member
anyone seen this new drug driving advert ? it freaks me out & cracks me up every time i see it, wor lass keeps saying that's what I look like hahahaha. id be down A&E if me peepers were like that.


HAHA when I first saw this advert I was proper stoned...
I thought it was because I was stoned that their eyes looked like that, then I realised it was a propoganda advert.
The second time I saw it I laughed so much...

The best part is 0:20 when the woman is just staring out the window

'Mannn I'm sooooo stoned.....' 'Oh shit it's the pigs' haha

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
rewated it. the advert is blaring on about your eyes and how it's uncontrollable. then they get "busted" (posibly) because the kid turns around and stares at the police with an expression of shock terror and look at me i'm shifty! that's his bad, not uncontrollable eye crazies:D

and for pear cider, i recently found koppaberg, it's LUSH, and they do a really nice cheaper fruit cider (raspberry and such in it) which isn't £2 bottles of brothers


Well-Known Member
they have re named it and re packaged it. May be there way of getting round the ban? Who knows! Should be banned think it a waste of hard earned cash.
No, the new product doesnt contain the same active ingredients, the original spice does actually contain thc derivatives similar to Sativex, the drug companies version. BZP and GLB also banned.


Well-Known Member
HAHA when I first saw this advert I was proper stoned...
I thought it was because I was stoned that their eyes looked like that, then I realised it was a propoganda advert.
The second time I saw it I laughed so much...

The best part is 0:20 when the woman is just staring out the window

'Mannn I'm sooooo stoned.....' 'Oh shit it's the pigs' haha
The advert is stupid propaganda, we all know that pupil size changes not the whole eye and unless you get stopped nobody will see...:?


Well-Known Member
No, the new product doesnt contain the same active ingredients, the original spice does actually contain thc derivatives similar to Sativex, the drug companies version. BZP and GLB also banned.
it was the re packaged stuff i tried, so that will be why it did nothing for me.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
rewated it. the advert is blaring on about your eyes and how it's uncontrollable. then they get "busted" (posibly) because the kid turns around and stares at the police with an expression of shock terror and look at me i'm shifty! that's his bad, not uncontrollable eye crazies:D

and for pear cider, i recently found koppaberg, it's LUSH, and they do a really nice cheaper fruit cider (raspberry and such in it) which isn't £2 bottles of brothers

i mean seriously who drives off their nut?! a couple of tokes fair play but full of E or coke is asking for a trip to casualty n a stay at her majestys displeasure init

I found the kopperberg pear a bit too sweet for me was like drinking sherbet. you cant beat good ol scrumpy from a reral farm imo ive got family down the west country n we used to go n pick up a 5 gallon keg from em. sweet hey zues was it powerful stuff... 2 pint drunk


Well-Known Member
Oh yes I live in Cider country...most farms round here have signs saying 'Real cider' for £2 you can get a litre of cloudy 10%abv+ cider