The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Fucking took hour and a half to get it all down quickly but I know it's gonna take about 3 hrs to set it all up again that's what I can't be arsed with now, but needs must and all that. Just wish the cunt would hurry up and come sort the meter so we can get cracking


Well-Known Member
Lol, I smashed all the caseing up & my desk ! Whent fucking beserk ! Lol to top things off went down shed for first time today & my 5ft pedistal fan was just about to burst into flames !, it had stopped turning & was red hot , fucking stank , what a cunting day.
lol ive done similar shit in my younger days but am a bit more restrained these days, remember when i was younger n had my motorbike engine n gearbox apart fixing something on the kitchen table(parents were not at all happy) n a certain part would not go back in no matter how many times i tried, after bout half hour lost my rag n picked the fucker up n lobbed it straight thru the kitchen window n then proceeded to go outside n completely fuck the thing up with a sledgehammer, cue shouting from parents, £600 for a new window n one gearbox/engine i about 2000 fragments in the garden lmao


Well-Known Member
lol ive done similar shit in my younger days but am a bit more restrained these days, remember when i was younger n had my motorbike engine n gearbox apart fixing something on the kitchen table(parents were not at all happy) n a certain part would not go back in no matter how many times i tried, after bout half hour lost my rag n picked the fucker up n lobbed it straight thru the kitchen window n then proceeded to go outside n completely fuck the thing up with a sledgehammer, cue shouting from parents, £600 for a new window n one gearbox/engine i about 2000 fragments in the garden lmao
Lmfao , I feel slightly better now .


Well-Known Member
Another little spanner in the works aye gaz has he got an old fuse box or sumthin? Hope u get it sorted mate I've had mine trip a few times but only when the Mrs was using her 2800 watt iron lol

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Crazy lean and a head scrape for the lads.



Well-Known Member
Just got in home today and the gaffs stinkin if exo and livers ffs, guess my carbon filter has served its time, 2 years I got outta the mountain air filter, never had no smell problems with these strains before, well it'll have to do until next grow now. Lights had just come on too, I always find they seem too smell more as soon as lights come on??

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
Just got in home today and the gaffs stinkin if exo and livers ffs, guess my carbon filter has served its time, 2 years I got outta the mountain air filter, never had no smell problems with these strains before, well it'll have to do until next grow now. Lights had just come on too, I always find they seem too smell more as soon as lights come on??
yes this is why you should harvest just after lights on, resins have been building the night before and grow lights and heat haven't evaporated and terpins.....


Well-Known Member
yes this is why you should harvest just after lights on, resins have been building the night before and grow lights and heat haven't evaporated and terpins.....
What do ye do then lemon if you've got about two full days of trimming to do, trim one plant a day "once lights come on" lol gtf u lemon!


Well-Known Member
Well that was a complete cunt of a job, my mates leccy is fucked so had to move everything back to mine again for now, 1 of the 4ft tall Big Bang plants never survived the journey and bent in half and snapped, but never mind still got 3 more just like it and another 6 not far behind. At least the snapped one was almost 7 weeks into flower so I will get away with selling it to the local dafties at a tenner a g. Just got everything all up and running again so now it's time to trim this bitch


Well-Known Member
Oooohhh it'll feel like crimbo for u boys soon Lol lucky fuckers.....shame about the injured one Gaz but Yeh at least she'll still make ya cash aye


Active Member
I let them go 9 so think I'm at 7 weeks now. Probly leave it till a weekend tho so may go 9 an a half
Was gonna say 7 wk mark hydro till u saw ya post lol same drills as me anall wkend only for trimming lol wot ya reckon ya got ther mate total weight? Some of yr colas look proper heavy