The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
Lets hope all is good with him then as he was stressin about messin his girls up with there time and shit! That woulf be the least of my worries trus me fuck movin bushes about it a oain in the arse im glad ill neva have that problem lol


Well-Known Member
Yeh never had to do that I bet its a reet pain in the arse man..I hope alls good aswell man we don't want another one getting fucked...anyone got any 600 watt bulbs they don't want...good ones like lol


Active Member
Yeh never had to do that I bet its a reet pain in the arse man..I hope alls good aswell man we don't want another one getting fucked...anyone got any 600 watt bulbs they don't want...good ones like lol
Im sure ive got 1 somewere bro just gotta find the fucker if I do ill let yano mate its only done maybe 3mnth of 12/12 so should still be pukka if I can find the fucker that is lol ive always kept a spare fuckervas u neva know but I aint changed em since gettin out and the spare has been lying about for 12+mnths now!


Active Member
Fuck me united are serious about gettin mata from chelsea ay 30+million I rate him at about 25mill max but if it gets done it might just be wot united need he can hurt teams with his slick tight threw balls and he can make the best of defenders look silly so ill be happy for him to come tbh wots ya veiws lads lol


Well-Known Member
Yeh sweet man if ya can find it I'll tay it mate just thought I'd throw it out there before I have to buy one gotta save them pennies Lol...far too much cash in football man its unreal how much them cunts are on


Active Member
Yh man im lookin atm for ya lad I know its here somewere as I always keep 1 spare cus I ve had a fucker shatter on me be4 its only a sunmaster but still got a few grows in it yet!
Yh mate its crazy wot prices wot teams are payin now 37 million they reckon it could end up being lol fuck


Well-Known Member
Oh what I could do with 37mill jesus....Yeh cheers man forgot how much them Phillips bulbs are takes the piss Lol ..just watchin Chris eubanks life story he's a nutter haha


Well-Known Member
What he said^^. Looks frosty :).

Woken up in a right mood lol ever look at your texts and just think why the fuck are these people in my life? It's only through just being nice sort of thing they are allowed. I pretty much hate everyone :/ hate maybe a strong word but just wish I never knew em. They aren't bad people I just get annoyed with myself for allowing these people to think they can talk to me. It's like when you see someone you don't like and just say alright and keep walking. Fed up and gonna end up telling a few cunts just to fuck off.


Well-Known Member
Remember I was after some weed once and someone I know always bullshits type thing. Tells you he can get cheese it's dank and you'll go see him and its just average bud that smells slightly cheesey. I remember asking him for a 9 and he calls me back and tells me he can get me great white shark. Had been looking all day so was abit annoyed n thought he was chatting shit so told him its cool I got a goose giving me golden eggs, then something along the lines of I ain't even coming to you you just waste my time. Lol thought he'd just made up a name of some shit bud lol.


Well-Known Member
Mmm love a bit of NL never been lucky enough to try the old pychosis hopefully I'll get a cut one day Lol..hopefully I'll have the exo soon tho :)


Well-Known Member
Phsyco is a stunning plant I would say 1 of the best I have ever grown she packed some serious frost in the last few days . It come out of nowhere . Has anybody got that cut in here haven't seen anybody with it for a while now .


Well-Known Member
Not got a cut but ugorg have brought out psycho sister which is psychosis x blues I believe. Not the cut I know but just hear good things about ugorg stuff. I'm gonna have to get my hands on the exo cut sooner or later just to see what the fuss is about.


Well-Known Member
Yeah sure there is aswell. For me though its nothing but green poison going in my tent. Can't be that 6week flower man. Small tent ill run shit for myself and try some strains.


Well-Known Member
Yeh 6 week flower sounds nice man...round here tho if it didn't stink of cheese and have a nice cheese taste u ain't getting top dollar for it even for shit that's taken 12 week to flower and is absolute peng....its all about cheese round here so that's what I'm gonna do to get the pennies in