The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Haha Yeh it'd most proberbly be grey lmao I've heard someone say theyve tried 2 yr cured bud and was amazing....I've found buds under the fridge from months ago and there fucked u wouldn't sell it your enemy


Well-Known Member
I've got a few bottles of some nice ice wine from Germany n a few desert wines that reps have given me in the past but spas I don't drink so their collecting dust...but hey, they look snazzy haha


Well-Known Member
Hock don't count relax hahaha or is it reinenhiessen or sumthin lmao Ahh I'm stoned

Channel 4 benefit street.....haha my area


Well-Known Member
Try ur ass some ice wine mate, the gf brings it home everytime she's in Germany for Xmas but that dessert wines pricey tack n only comes in half bottles but tastes oh so very sweet.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
don't speak ill of the Gin man!
Lol lol lol. :lol:

I meant slum it as in there's not really any character to Vodka or Gin, no real discerning quality's as they're Both neutral spirits (White Rum also).
For example I personally don't appreciate good whiskey, It's wasted on me.

Although there is a subtleness to Gin that is subjective to the drinkers personal taste's you have to be a real connoisseur to tell the differences between high quality Vodka and generic brands like Smirnoff (Urrgghh, the nasty stuff doesn't enter my household!).


Well-Known Member
Try ur ass some ice wine mate, the gf brings it home everytime she's in Germany for Xmas but that dessert wines pricey tack n only comes in half bottles but tastes oh so very sweet.
eiswein is indeed pricey is late harvested so the grapes partially freeze dry....


Well-Known Member
I've never had a white wine that I like I prefer red if I ever buy any and only cheapo stuff Lol I love the cherry voddy from revolution with coke fookin spunk worthy.....this benefits street is pretty good


Well-Known Member
I've never had a white wine that I like I prefer red if I ever buy any and only cheapo stuff Lol I love the cherry voddy from revolution with coke fookin spunk worthy.....this benefits street is pretty good
had cherry vodka speed punch on koh phanghan, tasted so nice was dancing all nite and chewing me face off, teeth still fuked


Well-Known Member
I've never had a white wine that I like I prefer red if I ever buy any and only cheapo stuff Lol I love the cherry voddy from revolution with coke fookin spunk worthy.....this benefits street is pretty good
hey, cheap wines good 2 grab a bottle of cotes du Rhone shits cheap enough but a quality wine...n if U don't like it throw some 7up in there lol try a dessert wine if U ever get the chance! Id give my right nut you'll love it! As for cherry vodka....bless haha

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
hey, cheap wines good 2 grab a bottle of cotes du Rhone shits cheap enough but a quality wine...n if U don't like it throw some 7up in there
Red wine spritzer!? Fucking peck......:lol:

Seriously though I used to serve a Chinese big fish poker player who drank red wine and coke, with salt added!


Well-Known Member
Yeh its nice ain't it mate very more-ish which is never good Lol my mate made some.once put a pack of cherry drops in a bottle of vod it went that bad to be fair

Haha yorkie them Chinese ain't right are they

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Cherry essence in shit voddy. Same as the vanilla, apple, blueberry and chilli that Smirnoff do.

If you're gonna do a flavoured spirit then a proper infusion is the only way to go.


Well-Known Member
If thers one drink ill never drink its wine, hate the fuckin stuff.....with the exception of buckfast of course!
what did running riot say "sometimes I think buckfast truely drives me mad" haha grew up on that stuff bud fortified tonic wines made by the most badass monks know to man....was probably conceived on it 2 haha

running riot did a song about it (northern Irish punk band)


Well-Known Member
well the trimming is on, already stopped for a smoke tho lmao

photo 1 (5).JPG 1st 2 branches done ( i start from bottom and work my way up)
photo 2 (5).JPG this is whats still left to be done :(
photo 3 (3).JPG one of the trimmed buds