The UK Growers Thread!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
What you getting off the 2 exos under a scrog yorkie ?
I don't know yet mate.

I was planning on doing a full 2sqm (or near enough) SCROG under a 600w and aiming for 50oz but those plans are shot as I'm now on a time frame to get em out so I have to flip em now.

The screens are 62cm x 47cm each and the plants are starting to overtake them, they're going under a 400w in a regular reflector.

They've been vegging for about 7 weeks or just over and are in 15L pots, I reckon 10oz a pop is good to go.


Well-Known Member
Aah ok cheers, yeah we already get that for the 1 we have but not sure how much extra we would get for another
m8 u will get almost double what u get just now in child tax credits after u have the new baby, and u will also get more child benefit as well, it aint the best but its better than nothing.


Well-Known Member
Happy new year, you bunch of fuckwits, hope u all had a blast last night, i got smashed and ended up in the bathroom spewing my ring at about 4 this morning, feeling rough as a badgers arse this morning,


Well-Known Member
I've officially stopped smoking. On one of those lecy fags, it's like sucking warm piss threw a nappy ! Ah well, off down shed for a bong to take taste away !

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
i got 3 plants under a 600 MH scrog. 50 OZ ? that 2.gpw extremely ambitious off 1 600 w you think ?
Lol I don't fall for that gpw bollocks, it's all subjective.

How big is the actual canopy space of your screen regardless of how many plants there are?
I would have had a full 2m square (or there about) of screen canopy with a cola every 3-4 inches, then the higher you let the tops grow through the screen the taller/fatter/bigger colas you get.
I might not have got the 50oz off just the 600w granted but that was my target to shoot for, I know 50oz is defo doable in that kind of space I've just yet to see with how much power.


Well-Known Member
My aim at the moment is gpw . i belive i have the strain to do it this time around i done a few years fucking around with different strains sticking 2-3 now from now on . Soon as this crop is down im looking to bring in a 4 site xl under current system from the states . but yea gpw is what im looking to hit in this 1.2m tent .

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
im running them in 15lts soo lets see what happens . looking forward to the ride to be honest.
Aye me too, never done Exo or a SCROG so should be fun.

I do know of a guy who does whole room SCROG's in houses who buys his supply's from my local grow shop.
He runs plants in 50L pots of 50/50 coco/pebbles, 1 plant per square metre, tops the shit out of em and then when they fill out the pots he rolls chicken wire across the whole room, staples it to the wall, trains em to fill the screen and flips em.

He then waters em from the doorway with a hose pipe lol, I've seen videos on the grow shop guys phone.
Looks quite sick a room full of SCROG.


Well-Known Member
Tried explaining the scrog method to my mate who grows . i got him into it soo he is still learning. he is still in that frame of mind of not hurting the plants dull bastard . i have to top his plants without him knowing while he fills up the drums of water im topping & super cropping lmao . the boy just wont read but he is learning slowly . he has 3 noname under 2 600w . they are some of the biggest plants ive stood next to . they 5.6ft high at and about 3 ft wide in 3 weeks flowering lololol . but he is sold on the scrog idea after seeing mine .


Well-Known Member
My best off a single 600 was 18 oz that's was 2 blue cheese and 2 blue widow vegged for 7 weeks 3ltr pot to 15 ltr I think
Best ive ever got from a 600W ( a lot of grows i never bothered weighing) was 16oz in a 1mx1m tent from 7 or 8 plants cant quite remember exactly