The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Evening fucktards how are we all this new years eve? all happy and fucked up as usual i hope, i started on the beers about 5 tonight already half pissed (got kids a few btls of that shloer wine shit to keep them happy) and been smoking some nice cheese since i woke up, hope every cunt in here has a great new year and i defo hope i do roll on 2014 cant be any worse than 2013.


Well-Known Member
Evening fucktards how are we all this new years eve? all happy and fucked up as usual i hope, i started on the beers about 5 tonight already half pissed (got kids a few btls of that shloer wine shit to keep them happy) and been smoking some nice cheese since i woke up, hope every cunt in here has a great new year and i defo hope i do roll on 2014 cant be any worse than 2013.
Pretty much the same here gaz minus the kids, down at a m8s here for a swally, I'll be in and outta here cos these are boring bastards lol


Well-Known Member
the lemon i presume is the las fingerz pheno, chedz was one of the only people to keep hold of it, if so its a fucking lovely pheno of slh stinks like the clone onlys on just a dry and has some real lovely flavour, ive grown it a few times my only gripe n reason i didnt keep hold of it is it really dus need ten wks.....


Well-Known Member
the lemon i presume is the las fingerz pheno, chedz was one of the only people to keep hold of it, if so its a fucking lovely pheno of slh stinks like the clone onlys on just a dry and has some real lovely flavour, ive grown it a few times my only gripe n reason i didnt keep hold of it is it really dus need ten wks.....
Thats good enuf for me m8, I want some lol......maybe not long term but I'll give it a bash for something different. Happy new year m8.


Well-Known Member
the lemon i presume is the las fingerz pheno, chedz was one of the only people to keep hold of it, if so its a fucking lovely pheno of slh stinks like the clone onlys on just a dry and has some real lovely flavour, ive grown it a few times my only gripe n reason i didnt keep hold of it is it really dus need ten wks.....
10 wks no prob for me did she yield good mate?


Well-Known Member
Thats good enuf for me m8, I want some lol......maybe not long term but I'll give it a bash for something different. Happy new year m8.
if you can get hold of it its a pretty lovely pheno of slh and everyone wants slh, its nice when you been smoking cheese for ages to have a nice slh joint such different flavours n stone,

happy new year m8 hope its a good one for ya, ill be more happy when me m8 drops me fucking gear off lol


Well-Known Member
for 45 days for a haze clone to look that fat is good....but lemon and strong....well now isn't that what we all want ?...yield strength and flav


Well-Known Member
photo 2 (1).JPG well i got the clones repotted into basic 10L pot as thas all i had left lying around and chucked them in the flower tent along with the other girls, and got some new rooted cuts into 2L pots to start vegging, still got a few Purple paralysis & exo cuts in the prop ive no space for but i cant bring myself to bin them yet lol.


Well-Known Member
u on the vods tonite Rambo....we on the cured exo..(the family favourite) and vino, hope you have a better new year man....that w should help lol


Well-Known Member
u on the vods tonite Rambo....we on the cured exo..(the family favourite) and vino, hope you have a better new year man....that w should help lol
im on the vods mate n the jagger and me pal just dropped of a g of the shine, looks like some real nice gear will have a few lines later when im really pissed lol yeah last year was real shite mate this new year can only be better i suppose lol

happy new year tho zedd and too the family also hope you have great year mate


Well-Known Member
Rambo hope u have a good one 2nite m8, im sure nxt year will be a better one for ya, i think a load of ppl had a shit year this year. hope u and the family have nothing but good luck in the new year.


Well-Known Member
im on the vods mate n the jagger and me pal just dropped of a g of the shine, looks like some real nice gear will have a few lines later when im really pissed lol yeah last year was real shite mate this new year can only be better i suppose lol

happy new year tho zedd and too the family also hope you have great year mate
Have a big fat line for me m8, I'm fuckin jealous


Well-Known Member
well im being a boring bastard, in with teh kids and having a smoke, few stella playing PS4


happy new yr
hg,zedd,gary,shawny,imc, and suppose u too shitface!

and anyone else i forgot, dont take it personally, :P


Well-Known Member
like I said never had the real deal and couldn't understand the fuss, then started on a bit o rock occasionally when doin other things but was usually too fuked up to notice much more than a 3 min high.....yet when I see the movies it looks cool.....prob I only ever got shite and never went to the grow countries cos wasn't interested.......was never scaley or shiney...enjoy, id do a line tonite with mood im in ha


Well-Known Member
haha cheers ice, happy new year mate,

and yeah save the hassle doing it individual, Zedd, Imc, Hg, Bizzle, Don, Dst, yorkie, Sae & spoons,(dont know if i missed anyone) wishing u all a very happy new year from the Gbhoy house,