The UK Growers Thread!

any of u seen the one of the girl getting fucked to death by a horse (literally fucked to death she died), theres another with a wee asian and a black bird one sucking a horse off and the other attached under it with a harness fucking it, nasty nasty stuff but if thats what floats ur boat lol.
Seen lots of birds with lots of diff animals, dogs, frogs, horses, even a monkey & a tapir ! , not forgetting pigs & eels


Well-Known Member
my missis fuks a horse most nights and calls me stallion.....nayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy lololol
any of u seen the one of the girl getting fucked to death by a horse (literally fucked to death she died), theres another with a wee asian and a black bird one sucking a horse off and the other attached under it with a harness fucking it, nasty nasty stuff but if thats what floats ur boat lol.


Well-Known Member
Just went back and watched some those gore videos. People are crazy and so fucking cruel. Makes you wonder how they sleep at night knowing what they done. I get war is war but one in the head as a respect and understanding its still a life just on a different team type thing. Wouldn't ever let my kids join the army when I have them. Go and fight wars for lying currupted mps and for what a shit salary and a pat on the back. Come home and many are jobless and given little respect. Reckon well see a civil war here in the uk in our life time? Islam is growing people are fed up feeling like second rate citizens in their own country and our way of life being changed. Our youth are struggling to get work so we welcome millions from bulgaria lol country is just fucked.
i agree on some parts n others not, too true the world is a cruel sick sick place and we as lucky GREAT brits lol its easy to see it that way but when your brought up and seen some of the shit first hand i wonder how you would feel??? i dunno but i think it just human nature to want better for yourself or your familys if your starving n have fuck all and theres this golden ticket to a better pace who wouldnt take it?

or if you just seen your family killed by gun,bomb whatever who wouldnt want revenge on the people that caused it?

neway im stoned and off to bed, grows looking nice ninja.


Well-Known Member
im very protective over me fam....even me are like animals too.....typical birds walk past they got to say sommert ect ect I rem wen virgin was working outside me house in summer well missis was out front doing gardin and they was whistling at her , didn't kno I was other side of fence.....I went out sed who u whistling at...they sed nothing.....I sed u got a hour to pak up and be finished b4 u got no teeth left to whistle out of
i agree on some parts n others not, too true the world is a cruel sick sick place and we as lucky GREAT brits lol its easy to see it that way but when your brought up and seen some of the shit first hand i wonder how you would feel??? i dunno but i think it just human nature to want better for yourself or your familys if your starving n have fuck all and theres this golden ticket to a better pace who wouldnt take it?

or if you just seen your family killed by gun,bomb whatever who wouldnt want revenge on the people that caused it?

neway im stoned and off to bed, grows looking nice ninja.


Well-Known Member
fuck im ment to go bed lol lemon cake is the one gboy beats any other mix, but honest just dont use plant matter use extract or good hash and theres no taste what so ever, ive made 20+ batch's of butter some mega strong shit but always with trim and or bud and it taste fucking rank to be polite, batch i made a while ago my last batch i made, i used a shitload of good pollen and zero flavour at all not even a hashy flavour, you could have used that butter in anything given it to anyone, could not taste a thing and got ya mashed lol


Well-Known Member
photo (2).JPG that was my piss poor attempt at lemon drizzle canna cake got 100g of cannabutter in there lol, looked like shit but tasted great and got me and a mate happily smashed one morning


Well-Known Member
fuck im ment to go bed lol lemon cake is the one gboy beats any other mix, but honest just dont use plant matter use extract or good hash and theres no taste what so ever, ive made 20+ batch's of butter some mega strong shit but always with trim and or bud and it taste fucking rank to be polite, batch i made a while ago my last batch i made, i used a shitload of good pollen and zero flavour at all not even a hashy flavour, you could have used that butter in anything given it to anyone, could not taste a thing and got ya mashed lol

think thats the shit i had off u with the pollen in it mate, was nice butter


Well-Known Member
im gonna make some fairy cakes for kids soon see if calms them down........ha ha school fate coming up soon too 50p a cake lmfaooooo joking btw