The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Suppose I was being 2 cautious but obviously not cautious where it counts seeing as I reused my soil n now fucked up my 2 seedling but hey, lesson learned haha


Well-Known Member
Hahaha, I actually have 2 bags of the light mix so yeah if ny arse was any tighter id shit diamonds haha but now I know, trail n error haha


Well-Known Member
...more error than anything, but hey "
An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very
narrow field."- Niels Bohr.


Well-Known Member
Coco turns out cheaper doesn't it? I'm gonna get to grips with soil b4 I try anything else but coco will be my next step after a few soil harvests then to hydro
cherpy s liver..?, rain everyday mate must be a pisser good job u got the shed plenty of sunlight there for ya, not much smoke ....not good mate hope the harvest is soon, u need an exo or livers clone cos mine have just rooted?
Lol Z, think I've got SAD syndrome ! , I've got all clone onlys m8, exo, dippy ellse, dela haze & that cheese quake I had off you are what I'm waiting to finish atm. Got livers & pysco in veg, going in when those are finished, took ooooodles of cuttings thinking they wouldn't take & now my veg tent is bursting !.


Well-Known Member
cherpy s liver..?, rain everyday mate must be a pisser good job u got the shed plenty of sunlight there for ya, not much smoke ....not good mate hope the harvest is soon, u need an exo or livers clone cos mine have just rooted?
i'll take a livers since ur feeling generous and offering them out lmao ;)


Well-Known Member
Coco turns out cheaper doesn't it? I'm gonna get to grips with soil b4 I try anything else but coco will be my next step after a few soil harvests then to hydro
I prefer coco, find its more stable as you are controlling the nutes.

Also encourages such vigorous roots. Have a butchers at my sig if you can be arsed man

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
like the iso step by step gary man, how long did you shake for? I do 90 seconds to the dot and it comes out pretty golden coloured instead of green.


Well-Known Member
I'll be sure to keep my eye on that, thanks mate more journals the better.really into having a few bongs n reading journals lately.


Well-Known Member
Told the gf about the 2 seedling dying from me reusing soil to which she replies "I should hit you for wasting time n money"..then hits me lol, she doesn't even smoke hahaha


Well-Known Member
like the iso step by step gary man, how long did you shake for? I do 90 seconds to the dot and it comes out pretty golden coloured instead of green.
i normally shake about a minute mate but that batch i left the jar sitting a little while with trim and iso in it cos i got distracted and thats why its a little green looking, still tasted nice and got me smashed so i aint complaining


Well-Known Member
Its a good habit to have, the amount you pick up just being caned browsing and reading is ridiculous.
agreed but sadly this sites blocked at work but I can get onto ICMAG haha I've spent months reading these threads n dare I say I've learned more than from the books I've read about it cuz you encounter every possible probelm in the journals just need a little hands on experience to differenciate between different certain defs n what not but maaaaan this is fun lol.


Well-Known Member
agreed but sadly this sites blocked at work but I can get onto ICMAG haha I've spent months reading these threads n dare I say I've learned more than from the books I've read about it cuz you encounter every possible probelm in the journals just need a little hands on experience to differenciate between different certain defs n what not but maaaaan this is fun lol.
Personally I wouldn't even be looking or typing in anything associated with this on a work network. I keep them 100% separate. People in work dont even know I toke!


Well-Known Member
Nah its grand, apartments above us n the networks pretty weak so it could be anyone but thanks for the concern.