Well-Known Member
oh man the psycho you know and agreed it is a beauty to grow, mad strong and great flavour, the exo imo has more subtle and more interesting back flavours....cheese, bread cinnamon and I love the exo stone very deep and other worldly, beautiful physical stone, I would rate it slightly higher than the psycho due to the complex flavs which fukin (sorry chinky dude I cunting swear) kill........the livers is like perfume and its effect fantastic really high very cerebral weed.........lovely
see I'm different m8, I prefer the psycho, think there's more long lasting taste of it when smoked. But I've always said that I don't think I'm gettin the best outta the exo, maybe it just doesn't like me or hydro lol. Not too worried if I can get the livers to have a lovely taste like the psycho I grow then the exos gettin ditched and I'll keep the psycho and livers