The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
new yr lasts all fucking yr doylem!

ark at mr double post! spammer! and enough of the patronism, u want a smoke rememebr so do u want it right? or shite? yeh think about it twatface paddybollox

i posted it again cos u asked again u fat cunt, no one else seemed to chime in with ther opinion so I thot I'd try and help. And as for the brown ur talking about we all know ur a lot more experienced in that sorta shit!!


Active Member
unday, October 27, 2013 at 1AM is the time to set clocks back one hour in the UK and EU

lol hydro ur such a tetchy cunt! anwyays

glad u got sum of that left coz i sue as hell aint! ijust iant got the heart to cut a nug! just cant do it mate, lol but on the other hand i maybe should then i can get a gauge on how it is? if it wankers me then pull, if not then fuckit let it roll,

if i hadent starte dthe ripen i wouldn veen ask and just plo on with the base an dboost and whatnot,, i just dont wanner fuk em up now coz they smell well nice, but o nthe otehrhand i have 6 more in ther with em and they gunna start needing all the light about now,

my physco cut has just grown 2 main stems,thats it, so 2 colas it is, the best are loking fine,

these 3 are just doing me head in, and we all know that white hairs meen nothing.


Well-Known Member
ill prob let go ten anyways....ill do a certen amout of each side by side on same stuff and we will c what comes out betta.....

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
yel be happier with the physco matey, personally i never though the exo was anythign special
Exo done right is a killer smoke. I doint' mean that in the slang term, i mean that it is killer (assuming it really is exo, everyone claims to have it now)

The issue from the exo (don't forget this is not just some guys opinion, i grew it non stop on a perpetual grow for 3 years), is that i fou/nd you build a tolerance to it within no time. But for the uninitiated, it is murder. I attended a party a few years back, supplied meat and fish for about 50 people, got there as the grill got hot, started slapping steaks on the grill, and at the same time, passed one measly joint around, within 20 minutes half the party had vanished. Found em inside comatose. Next day i had a few dozen people telling me that whoever i bought my weed from had spiked it with speed or something. I'm no george clooney, but somehow i refrained from laughing, just told them i knew where it ame from and they were wrong. But exo to the untrained, if done right, is knockout stuff, i say knockout, it tries to rip your face off in a brief and manic sativa cacophony just before it lays you out :)


Active Member
Exo done right is a killer smoke. I doint' mean that in the slang term, i mean that it is killer (assuming it really is exo, everyone claims to have it now)

The issue from the exo (don't forget this is not just some guys opinion, i grew it non stop on a perpetual grow for 3 years), is that i fou/nd you build a tolerance to it within no time. But for the uninitiated, it is murder. I attended a party a few years back, supplied meat and fish for about 50 people, got there as the grill got hot, started slapping steaks on the grill, and at the same time, passed one measly joint around, within 20 minutes half the party had vanished. Found em inside comatose. Next day i had a few dozen people telling me that whoever i bought my weed from had spiked it with speed or something. I'm no george clooney, but somehow i refrained from laughing, just told them i knew where it ame from and they were wrong. But exo to the untrained, if done right, is knockout stuff, i say knockout, it tries to rip your face off in a brief and manic sativa cacophony just before it lays you out :)
but its the same form any of them, the physco is too but you build a tolerence, and sum of the shit ive sent u befroe wipes u i suppose its swings and roundabouts, i remeebr your mad grow the fucking roots splitiing your dwc thingy and wasent it at like 45 degree angle?lmao monster!

i found the pe this run tho was more of a get up and clean type of smoke,weras last run it was a couchlock sort of stone

ok so meh, il just plod on with ripen and maybe buy sum flush MAYBE, if not aother 6 days ripen then 4 water and im chpping, im fully aware how fast they can brown up, but to m without knowing how long they had been down, i would say another 3 weeks


so in sumery

exo good- physco better
flush maybe? or not-- at the most 17 days and im shopping with flush,, 10 without