The UK Growers Thread!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
lmao......anit knoking ya advice mate ive bodybuilded close 10 8 years now even gon for comps........theres blokes in gym pop more than me.....and all steroids do is repair your muscles faster wen u ripem

It makes no difference how many years you've been body building or how many comps you've entered dude, it's clear you're eating tabs for no reason.

From the 3 different substances you've said you use in the large amounts you do all you're gonna get is water retention, bloat and a dead liver.
You'll be strong as an OX mind you but with a bad physique and short life span still.

Some guys do need to take lots of juice to get big true but these guys are fucking massive anyway and NOBODY needs to do large amounts of 17-Alphas, NOBODY.
Because they are highly toxic to the liver on there own let alone stacking two 17-alphas together, if you decided to stack Dbol and Nap together by your own choice then could do shitloads worse than take my advise, if somebody else advised you to stack those two together then they are an idiot who doesn't know about what they are advising you on or as is usually the case it's the supplier who's only interested in a sale.

I'm not saying don't do gear, far from it I'm pro life science and have done enough myself but at least make an educated choice.
You're necking the 2 most dangerous steroids in terms of side effects at doses too large for your body to use and you'll get the worst quality physique in return.


Well-Known Member
ill agree the naps do give u water ten ect wen I come off a corse and strip down it goes......bulk up mass strip it down to lean muscle.......I kno steds can fuk u up but so can a lot of things......this is me tho what I do and have done for years.....I app your advice mate......:bigjoint:

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
ill agree the naps do give u water ten ect wen I come off a corse and strip down it goes......bulk up mass strip it down to lean muscle.......I kno steds can fuk u up but so can a lot of things......this is me tho what I do and have done for years.....I app your advice mate......:bigjoint:
Lol that's the point mate it's not bulked up mass on Naps and Dbol it's water, you lose nearly all of what you put on.
The only thing you get from either is a strength increase, so you get stronger but you don't gain any quality muscle at the end if it's not stacked with a suitable base so it's a false economy.

Like I say I'm not saying don't do gear I'm saying don't just chuck loads of shite down your neck just for the sake of it when you don't know what it does.

I've studied body building and the pharmacology of steroids for over 10 years and did some stints on different gear for a while too, I know a couple of ex pro body builders and my step sister is a professional personal trainer/nutritionist who owns First Class Fitness in Ontario Canada.
My knowledge of Steroids, drugs and Growing cannabis is linked.
I believe from my own experiences it's possible to produce an aid to weight gain from cannabis that is comparable to hormones but through different mechanisms, it's part of the reason why I got into proper growing and sciences years ago, unfortunately although I would still like to have a bash at going legit it's now super expensive to get anywhere near a uni to try and obtain that little piece of paper that somehow mysteriously stops everybody judging a book by it's cover when talking about such subjects.


Well-Known Member
u no about something about your subject cos your step sister, living in another continent, is a fitness instructor........^^^comedy nite yman thanks


Well-Known Member
Sambo.....fuk that cunt, come back and be more of what you are will always get knobbers trying to undermine your business...laff in there face and give it some more.....they have won if u fuk off.....and remember what u r tryin to achieve man......fuk him......don't crack


Well-Known Member
at dentists in half hour ffs,. getting 2 roots out, not cool, bollox, first thing in morning too,, BOLLOX

rimmer shunt you be at work?


Well-Known Member
seen a few names about and yeah im not surprised some guys were arguing about roids couple pages back like any gives a fuck about anyones opinion anyways lol


Well-Known Member
new strain I got from one of the bru's...Fireballs = Fire Alien Jush x Cherry Pie.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
seen a few names about and yeah im not surprised some guys were arguing about roids couple pages back like any gives a fuck about anyones opinion anyways lol
yeh roids are sooo 1990!

so cummon then? grow or no? wats been appnin neeeeegro!?

and looks nice dst, but its not about how fucking pretty they look, could be the prettiest and stinkiest,but f it dont do shit.............................


Well-Known Member
Ive not had a solid place to live unfortunatly , so unfortunatly no grows other than moby dick seed which is flowering in a friends garden but i havent looked at it once :/

Its dry'd up down here too nothing but standard uk homes which sucks struggling to get hold of anything really best ive found was a little strawberry haze but the guys unreliable :(

Hoping to find a place after xmas then out will come the bulbs :P


Well-Known Member
go back to growing yer clone only's ya 'end, you sound like a broken Sambo record!

yeh roids are sooo 1990!

so cummon then? grow or no? wats been appnin neeeeegro!?

and looks nice dst, but its not about how fucking pretty they look, could be the prettiest and stinkiest,but f it dont do shit.............................