let them grow, cut them up, dry them out and they smoke themi have like five marjiuna plantz growin on dha side of my house and i dnt kno what tha hell 2 do................i need help!!!!!
cant complain, i went in with a queiry, he gave me sound information and an alternitive. they do know there shit in dr.hermans cant knock them at all.Sounds like spot on adviceI've no gripe against auto's, just never understood them in any way, the only differences i see are that you reg/fem are cheaper on the electricity and that you have to change a dial on a timer just once during the 2-3 month grow. And the yield is a very big positive
I just noticed, dr green! what has happened to that spliff! Think you need a bit more practice, roll up another one i say, it's win win!(s'all good though, may just be intentional, i know folk that crush up their rizzla prior to rolling, and if it's just learning, then why, took me years and years to get a smokable spliff out of my hands. Always resorted to getting someone else to roll.
Ah, spliff, fucking love that word, much better than a fucking 'zoot' as seems to be the lingo on the street these days. And talking of streets, went back to my main dealer, guy who sold me the junk last time around (once it dried it knocked my face into the ashtray though) and he tried to pass off a half ounce of fluffy wet popcorn as dry primo for £100. I told his mammy to appologise but fuck that i'll try elsewhereSo just a lump of the flatmates hash and some stella tonight alas.
thats the good thing about dealers in liverpool man if they wouldnt smoke it they wont buy it.I love when peeps head out and leave the house nice and peaceful for a few hours, they normally come abck and find me slit eyed and rewatching trailerboys at far to high a level of volumEFUCK OFF WITH THE GUNS ALREADY!
Sounds like you've got some great hookups, my guy simplys sells "kush mate, yeah, it's kush mate" (don't doubt it is kush, looks like it, just well, there are a few, and the one i moke the other night, i really really want to learn what it was). The reason he's got such shit atm is that there has been a big drought of late in this city and it's only just come abck on the market, only dealers, well they are dealers for a reason most of the time, and most of the time that reason is cus they're a bit thick, and as such it doesn't occur to him that if he accepts wet bud from the grower, he must sell wet bud to make his money back, and as such earn a shit shit reputation, doesn't figure, he thinks he's doing great cus he's the only one with weed haha, i made sure to explain this to his mum while i was over her house earlier![]()
yep!!!!!!!!!!!Is that as in the Amsterdam grey area? Great place!
to right man, we need it to be like it was back in the day, but we all know that aint gonna happen. remember when a sack of weed was weighed up and you never got less than 2.5g, an ounce was £120 and if you bought more than 3 in 1 go you got them for £100 each. even rockys gone up in price man £65 for an ounce.Man, i'd eat my own shoes before i paid out £260 for an ounce, great as it may be. I just can't justify that kind of money on one ounce over what it could buy in a supermarket. I could buy so much grub for that i'd forget i didn't have weed haha. £180 is pretty much my limit for a ounce and even then i need either some heavy convincing or a really crap day at work![]()
This is your first and only post? Right.i have like five marjiuna plantz growin on dha side of my house and i dnt kno what tha hell 2 do................i need help!!!!!
I've only been smoking 5 years, but in that time i've seen it change like you say. When i first started buying, it was 2.8 guaranteed, then it dropped to 2.5, then 2.4, then 2.2 and now he's selling at £10 a gram, at which price he can go sod himself. I had had the good intention of moving a few ounces to him for a tonne a piece, but he's not the type to turn around and return any favours back so sod it. Everything about weed is a game of profit these days, even the americans and their medical are selling at extortionate prices "because of the hard work and effort involved". It's such a sad situation.to right man, we need it to be like it was back in the day, but we all know that aint gonna happen. remember when a sack of weed was weighed up and you never got less than 2.5g, an ounce was £120 and if you bought more than 3 in 1 go you got them for £100 each. even rockys gone up in price man £65 for an ounce.
init you could go the asda spend £200 on scran, bevvies and dvds, then spend the other 60 notes on 3 decent sacks and still have a better time smoking it.
but dealers know these days they can bag up to 2.2g and leave it abit damp and we will buy it
the things with drugs is anyone call sell, and they weigh it upto whatever they want and chrage whatever they want and they will always have custom.I've only been smoking 5 years, but in that time i've seen it change like you say. When i first started buying, it was 2.8 guaranteed, then it dropped to 2.5, then 2.4, then 2.2 and now he's selling at £10 a gram, at which price he can go sod himself. I had had the good intention of moving a few ounces to him for a tonne a piece, but he's not the type to turn around and return any favours back so sod it. Everything about weed is a game of profit these days, even the americans and their medical are selling at extortionate prices "because of the hard work and effort involved". It's such a sad situation.
I'm beginning to think i might have to go pick something anything up today, this hash, well, it's shite, utter garbage.
It''s sunday though, and i just installed the new worms game, yaytakes me right back to my youth