The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Howard Marks nailed it wen he said the quality of green is much bttr than b4 but the hash is gen poorer q than b4, I noticed my culero hash dealer was struggling to unload it at £10 g, what it was worth imo......I know old geezas who don't ever smoke green cos of the taste...they are hash smokers but prolly so old and crusty SR and tor is beyond them

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
trouble is it's too easy to fuck with it and adulterate the shish. nobody wants to take the risk and smoke sand/oil/ plastic etc the list goes on.

that fella doing the 5-0 prank is lucky he didn't get a hiding lol. now that would have been funny.


Well-Known Member
Morning all, very sleepless night, couple across the hall kicked off last night so had Police making noise between 1 n 4am, ended up with him getting body slammed by 4 old bill n dragged off in cuffs an her off to womens refuge, this is all after bout 3 hrs of banging n screaming n waking every cunt up in the building. sounds like he had been smacking her about n shit ffs


Well-Known Member
that's usually the case if she ain't still in the flat.

some people are just made for each other though, she'll be back.

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
Morning monkeys n fairys.....

didnt you know sleep dep kills fish rimmer loool

your all moaning about no one loving the hash, its a good thing surley means the people who are getting the good stuff aint paying an arm n a leg no??

when do you lott start counting flowering time?? i norm start count after 2 week stretch.....??

how was your wedding don? you on ere early so you can still see

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
so sell the buds n keep the hash? surley the hash is much stronger? no green in the way lol....

p.s full on soap bar member here, but i know the good stuff.....its got action mans arms sticking out n not barbies! ;)


Well-Known Member
everything is hard to sell when you are trying to sell it, it's sods law, when you have sold the last gram you will no doubt have somebody asking you for a landlords daughter.

i have a warehouse full of rolls royces at ford focus money, i'm not allowed to advertise them, i'm not alowed to sell them to anybody more than 50 miles away and i live in one of the most deprived areas of the country, i have to sell them on credit but i paid upfront for them.

can anybody see where this is going........... if you can't it means i'm fucked!, nice one you german cunts!

btw this is just an analogy, i don't sell cars. but stop moaning sambo, some people have real problems these days.


Well-Known Member
you cant sell your hash and your moaning about it on here, yes you are right people don't appreciate hash these days , most don't even appreciate good weed. i wouldn't consider having a 100g bar of pollen you cant shift being a real problem.


Well-Known Member
you cant sell your hash and your moaning about it on here, yes you are right people don't appreciate hash these days , most don't even appreciate good weed. i wouldn't consider having a 100g bar of pollen you cant shift being a real problem.
and neither do i, its a poxy hundred g you think thats what i call a real problem, your a cheeky old cunt

i was moaning at good hash being hard to sell, a friends sister age 23 jus had a brain hermorige it aint looking good THATS a real problem.................


Well-Known Member
well that is bad news, i hope the girls family are alright.
she luckily will be unaware of what is going on around her and will not see the angst and sadness in her families eyes.

23 is no age to die, unfortunately there is nothing any of us can do but hope she makes it through. she is still at the age were the body can do miraculous things, i'm wishing for her and her families sake she makes it through.


Well-Known Member
Morning shit flickers how r we apart from been a bunch of grumpy mardy fuckers lol. I've already said i might have a q off of ya......I hope your mates sis pulls through mate. My best mates mum died of a brain hemeraige aged 32 fuckin wank mate proper.


Well-Known Member
have a nice sunday people.
wcoop starts on pokerstars today if anybody fancies juicing up the tourneys for me!.

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
Newusers awfully grumpy this morning ;). he must have started drinking in the mornings....dubble voddy n coco pops!!

also like bizzle i would take some off ya hands, but weve only been on a few dates n he has trust issues....


Well-Known Member
lol bizzle the 100g is completly different pollen to the other, i got the ump not over a poxy bit of hash, but over cunts telling me i dont no real problems! dont fucking tell me that when u no nothing of me, what ive seen, or experienced personally.


Well-Known Member
lemon, you count flower when you flip to 12/12 you tool, not a minute before or after.

and sambo really, we all have problems. sort yer head out lad