The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member

that acid u been playing with today is that the stuff that doesn't burn plastic but will destroy all else in contact? i member years ago lots where carrying viks vapor nose sprays filled wit the stuff n spraying n robbing u in e london, such a lovely place lolol
yeah but I diluted it so it would only sting rather than burn holes in my eyes and dissolve my face


Well-Known Member
yeah but I diluted it so it would only sting rather than burn holes in my eyes and dissolve my face
fuck playing about with that stuff mate, all i no off it is story's of rubber gloves and plastic water pistols and they didnt sound too nice lol


Well-Known Member
is that cunt on bbc a gooner or sumfing??? ''bale the only world class player to go and ozil the only to come'' unless mum and dad moved to spain too the lil welsh fag will flop,


Well-Known Member
Fuck me the UK thread really is going down hill with all this talk of over paid girls blouses running round a field before going to shower together ffs lol all sounds a bit gay if you ask me


Well-Known Member
Fuck me the UK thread really is going down hill with all this talk of over paid girls blouses running round a field before going to shower together ffs lol all sounds a bit gay if you ask me
are you gay then? now theres me thinking you had a nice lil swing both ways missus, your in the minority mate it football biggest sport in the country, second i think crazy as it is angling???
Fuck me the UK thread really is going down hill with all this talk of over paid girls blouses running round a field before going to shower together ffs lol all sounds a bit gay if you ask me
I can't help it, I grew up with it, still play 2/3 times a week. I consider it one of my many vices, but it keeps me fit and gives me an excuse to go down the pub with the boys or sit at home with a few tinnies and a smoke every now and again without the gf going on about her new fucking nail polish .


Well-Known Member
ahhhhhhhhhhhh that's betta me balls feel a stone lighter.......ive got to fuk off to bed me sons first day at big school in morning wants me to take him so got to be up at 7.........laterz all..........bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
are you gay then? now theres me thinking you had a nice lil swing both ways missus, your in the minority mate it football biggest sport in the country, second i think crazy as it is angling???
lol shes bi im not

Im happy to be in that minority as well lol, really dont see how people get so worked up over a corrupt game lol, also I dont quite get how people support teams in towns they have never been to at the other end of the country lol, lasdt time I was in cyprus every cunt was a Man U fan n not one of em had ever been to england or done anything other than watched em on TV lmao