The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Well i've now looked carefully and i'm gonna say fuck it it'll fit with some squuezing, it looks now only to be ablout 3mm clearance issue. To spend £82 on a reflector or not, seems quite a bit of money.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
£12 shipping :S There is one (or i should say 10) on ebay from some random hydroponic shop for just £59.99 + £7 postage, but i#ve always been a tad wary of buying from ebay.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
nah man ebay is fine as long as its a legit shop man check the feedbacks n stuff n you should be ok.

i got a boat load of stuff when i ordered n they discounted the shipping n chucked in some yo yo's free too

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Yeah, unfortunately the only place i can see them on ebay is ashfordhydro which only has 10 feedback. I'm generally more interested in who the seller is than whether i might get ripped off. Little bit paranoid like.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Great idea! I know they normally charge about £5 premium but if they can get it for less than £82, why not! :) If it doesn't fit, i've noticed that well, if i were to tactfully deconstruct my cupboard door from the inside, it should fit no worries :D would also give me a cooltube to play around with to see whatelse is possbile in my space :) I should really be spending this money on some new clothes haha

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahah weed will get you through times with no clothes better than clothes will get you through times with no weed...... or some shit like that

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha, indeed it will, i think statisticly i wear my duvet more than i wear anything else. I feel a bit bad for having gotten through a bottle of white by 5pm


Active Member
Literally just popped in some pineapple express seeds this afternoon, along with some super lemon haze!

I dont think they are capitalising on the film I mean yeah the name maybe but honestly if it smells and tastes slightly fruity and pineappley.. then they have every right to call it that :p
and dont forget it has to smell likes Gods vagina lol


Well-Known Member
Not that kinda reflector by the look of.

Supposed to be great though. The limitations of my cab either make me want to say mwahahahaha fuck it and move house, but i love my house too much to move over some dope.
Looks like an Aerowing. I've recently purchased 4 of them. Will be trying them out in a few days.


Active Member
lmao brock hows the ladies?
my one in soil aint doing a thing, been the same 4 little leaves for 21 days.

im waiting for a sprout to pop out the sponge on my aerosystem.

and here is the back-up plant.

03092010345.jpg09092010366.jpg03092010346.jpg09092010365.jpg03092010349.jpg09092010364.jpg03092010348.jpg09092010361.jpg03092010350.jpg09092010363.jpg09092010362.jpg09092010360.jpg shes growing like fuck, and has only ever had natural light.


Active Member
my one in soil aint doing a thing, been the same 4 little leaves for 21 days.

im waiting for a sprout to pop out the sponge on my aerosystem.

and here is the back-up plant.

View attachment 1153690View attachment 1153691View attachment 1153692View attachment 1153693View attachment 1153694View attachment 1153695View attachment 1153696View attachment 1153697View attachment 1153698View attachment 1153699View attachment 1153700View attachment 1153701 shes growing like fuck, and has only ever had natural light.
fair play bro lookin nice ldz of crystal on there nice man!


Active Member
it fucking stinks, the leaves and stem are sticky :)

when i chop it, im gonna dry all the leaf and stem along with the bud. when its all dry make resin and oils out of them


Active Member
iv never tried the bubble hash, iv saw it done and smoked it.

but its quicker and easier to rub the stems down for the resin and use butane to turn the leaf and shit buds into oils.


Active Member
to get the resin you just rub the stems for ages, and you'll see your hands turning black, theres your resin, just rub your hands together and youve got a ball of squidgy black.

to get oils, you can either buy a honey oil extractor or make one out of a coke bottle buy putting holes in the lid, then screwing the lid back on with abit of coffee filter inside of it, then you put a hole in the bottom of the bottle thats were you put the tip of the butane can, then you empty the can of gas into the extractor of bottle, you catch the liquid that comes out of it in a bowl then when its stopped dripping out you put that bowl into a bowl of warm water and the butane will evapourate away and leave you with pure thc honey oil, just scrape it up and smoke it.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
to get the resin you just rub the stems for ages, and you'll see your hands turning black, theres your resin, just rub your hands together and youve got a ball of squidgy black.

to get oils, you can either buy a honey oil extractor or make one out of a coke bottle buy putting holes in the lid, then screwing the lid back on with abit of coffee filter inside of it, then you put a hole in the bottom of the bottle thats were you put the tip of the butane can, then you empty the can of gas into the extractor of bottle, you catch the liquid that comes out of it in a bowl then when its stopped dripping out you put that bowl into a bowl of warm water and the butane will evapourate away and leave you with pure thc honey oil, just scrape it up and smoke it.
Do you have much experience with making oil? I've yet to find a readily available suitable, and affordable supply of butane. All anywhere stocks is camping crap. Oils has always appeared to be one of those things where you either do it on a good scale, or it's just a bit counter-cost effective to be bother with. Still really wanna try it though :)