No need to explain urself ttt, but when u put it like that it don't sound too bad. So you got one brother payin 6000 a month in rent and another paying fuckall lolJust under 400, i do a lot of the cooking for the folk as i enjoy it, and that sometimes leads to a discount on my rent, but most of the time i'm just happy to cook (when i'm around) as it means i can eat fine food without having to pay for it myself. Reason i'm living at home is that i'm doing A levels and can't afford to have a full time job as well, and rents around this area are insane. My original plan when i first bcame sous chef was that i could rent a 2 bedroom house. A 2 beroom house was typicall 60700 a month before any bills and council tax, and even a single room in a house share was about 450 so i thought fuck it, i'll live at home till uni next september. It's really not that bad, posh parents and all mean i have an entire floor of the house, so double bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, living room, and office. Can't complain for the priceBecause i pay rent, my folk give me privacy, so it's basically like having my own flat, they rarely ever come up, they just text, phone, or email me from downstairs if they want something
Eldest brother just got himself a new flat in london with his gf, £6000 a month before bills.
Do u really listen to that wank shawny??
And fuck me we gotta load of gay wine sniffers n shit on here oh fuck I can imagine em now I'm the Scottish accent..... I'm getting notes of fuckin'nnnn berry n pish lmao
lmao nah not yet i have company in lmaomore like glass of wine in one hand......cock in the
That my friend is most definitely nor wank Lol each to their own I lobe reggae always have always will Lol like all sorts I mean I play guitar but when it come down to real beats n vibes ITE reggae all the way no competitionDo u really listen to that wank shawny??
Get hooked mate its the best way lmaofuked again ay i..i realy need to get this cheese out me gaff b4 i get hooked
I just had a listen again to see if I'm mistaken....bit I'm not, it is wank lol. The nig nogs in the vid don't help it in fairnessThat my friend is most definitely nor wank Lol each to their own I lobe reggae always have always will Lol like all sorts I mean I play guitar but when it come down to real beats n vibes ITE reggae all the way no competition
Get hooked mate its the best way lmao
send me it lolfuked again ay i..i realy need to get this cheese out me gaff b4 i get hooked
the only way to live the good life is weed, but id say i hooked weed not weed hooked me.]fuked again ay i..i realy need to get this cheese out me gaff b4 i get hooked
alright shawny hows u the night im fucked ( and no imc not literally ya wee shit haha) dunno if theres a typr like that but sounded gd hahaAlreet miss Gary on a nice bottle of chrdaux de chez lmao just made that up but I bet there is one lol
send me it lol
I just had a listen again to see if I'm mistaken....bit I'm not, it is wank lol. The nig nogs in the vid don't help it in fairness