The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
i had the little fuckers a while back. dont do any harm but freaked you the fuck out i bet. easiest way to avoid them is dont buy cheap soil man. it has everything from tiny beasties to muchroom spores in it.
I didnt, it was j.a bowers and it wasnt cheap but im not very impressed with it, what soil would u recomend? Also if there in the soil how come they only appeard 5 weeks into my grow?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
looks like a fairly rough mix for compost but ive not used bowers before. I'd recommend you switch to coco. its much better all round than any soil. more air to the roots

if they only appeared that late on id say you probably brought them into your enviroment. its easier than you think. they could be thrip larvae which take X amount of time to become gnats.


Active Member
I didnt, it was j.a bowers and it wasnt cheap but im not very impressed with it, what soil would u recomend? Also if there in the soil how come they only appeard 5 weeks into my grow?
Yo...maybe that the bugs have taken 5 weeks to begin to hatch and for you to notice them. Bowers is usually good stuff and really should be treated in the oven fro a short time before use to kill everything 1st to sterilise. I haven't but I used the B & Q ericaecus (I really can't spell that - lol) and seems to have been ok with the added chicken manure - well, better than ok!
Did you have a look on the internet find out what they were?


Well-Known Member
I'd recommend you switch to coco. its much better all round than any soil. more air to the roots
lol loving your promoting coco to the world :p

5 weeks could have been in the soil already and just prompted to hatch by heat or water changes? Apparently BnQ have some kind of cheap'ish but reportedly good soil I read about it somewhere Purple mix or summin maybe its in a purple bag, not sure :)


Active Member
lol loving your promoting coco to the world :p

5 weeks could have been in the soil already and just prompted to hatch by heat or water changes? Apparently BnQ have some kind of cheap'ish but reportedly good soil I read about it somewhere Purple mix or summin maybe its in a purple bag, not sure :)
Yup - it's in a purple bag, ericaceous compost for acid loving plants...i used 70% that, 10% vermiculite, 10% pearlite, 5% peleted chicken manure (B&Q) and 5% worm castings, has worked a treat and is still light with all the vermiculite and pearlite

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
ive used the purple bag ( god knows what its called) from BnQ its kanny had good results from it.

and yeah i do love the coco man. its the closest to hydro without the tubes and hassle. you cant overwater it and it gives you bigger better plants. similarly i love airpots!

its all about upping your game. once youve grown your first couple of plants you think i can do better. and start tweaking your grow. then like a fiend you look for everything to give you the edge.

nute choice medium and technique. took me a good while to try a lot of different styles. doing side by side experiments and refining my shit.

i can pretty much say that ive not bought better green than i can grow myself anywhere in my city or the dam for that matter. big headed as that sounds hahaha


Well-Known Member
I can imagine why your own is the best, it's like everything, if you put your own effort, blood, sweat and tears into it, it always tastes better, simple logic XD


Active Member
yeah ive herd good things about the B&Q purple bag, gonna try that next. thanks guys, they appear to be soil mites apparently a good thing but ill keep a close eye out.


Active Member
no worries - if you mix as I did, you should be good for mistake proofing and its not too expensive either! good news about the soil mites ;-)


Active Member
i get confused too! hehe. I think they are halfway between 6 & 7, next weeks feed is the bloom only and not the booster for 2 weeks.... I hope it will be enough. The buds are about 25mm long at the moment