The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
or bum fights fuck that cracked me up first time i see em, number three was best.

theres another good fighting one felony fights i think its called, there a certain one best off or most bloodiest felony fights has some real good fights on it, but bum fights was just a classic, bling bling lmao rufus lol


Well-Known Member
mate, watch the bum hunter its so funny, guy goes around like steve irvin catchin bums, hes made he wrestles sleeping bumbs like crocs, fuckin mad then he uses a marker pen to mark them and releases em back into the wild LMAO
i seen one of em bum fights, fuckin nutters, pay a man to fight a woman bum then ends up gettin ko'd thats jus mad how 10 dollrs can get you that amount of entertainment, i may hav to try it on crack corner top end of town


Well-Known Member
mate, watch the bum hunter its so funny, guy goes around like steve irvin catchin bums, hes made he wrestles sleeping bumbs like crocs, fuckin mad then he uses a marker pen to mark them and releases em back into the wild LMAO
lol thats just a small part of bum fights kode, you should watch the whole vids theres three of them.


Well-Known Member
wat was that escalator freak thinking...where could that jump possibly go right, fukin ell, bum, jus been makin some flower soil, I bag all mix, some fish/blood/bone meal, batshit, coco and lots o perlite, time to up my game and get back to supersoil and nutes, dunno if I got the mix rite but I was high and it feels good


Well-Known Member
i have exodus cheese,pyschosis and livers/blues mate.
how much would it be for 1 of each exo and psyco. never had the livers/blues is it as cheesy as the psyco an exo?
once i get my shit sorted ill let you know anyway cuz im still behind by miles on my 600 n that, just face palming right now at how i jus failed my last plan to make money


Well-Known Member
indikat, jus for u dont even have to leave the tab how nice am i


Well-Known Member
jesus watchin this i cant think other than, how tiring it is to fight, last fight i was in swung 4 or 5 decent hits and i was knackered like i ran 10 miles


Well-Known Member
the boys who made them vids actually earnt a shitload of money, although im pretty shore they sold the rights to them early on for bout a million dollars and then that next person made 20-30mil.


Well-Known Member
oh I didn't no you had to be brainy to be a psycho, can affect anyone no?
no its more that a psychopath would be premeditated instead of what these guys are doing, the difference between psychopath and sociopath is that sociopaths tend to act on impulse, psychos are more brainy and tend to be pretty smart, and if they do do anything they usualy think it through alot before acting knowing the full consequences. Just to let you know, but my last comment was a joke...


Well-Known Member
the boys who made them vids actually earnt a shitload of money, although im pretty shore they sold the rights to them early on for bout a million dollars and then that next person made 20-30mil.
i can imagine, sounds like college kids or somethin doin it, bribing that one guy buy givin him crack haha bling bling or summit lmfaio


Well-Known Member
i can imagine, sounds like college kids or somethin doin it, bribing that one guy buy givin him crack haha bling bling or summit lmfaio
they are old now, but bling bling even brought out a rap album, rufus got off the drink n drugs dunno bout the other one tho donny i think hes called, it must be nearly ten years old now.


Well-Known Member
ah yes psychopaths having a nice time, I see
i dunno indi, bumfights is just kids fighting and winding up homeless people dunno bout psychopaths?

theres a few psychopaths in this one tho lol
