The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
3 more weeks? what do you UK auto thread guys reckon?

3 more weeks will take her to about 100 days - im away for a week in two weeks so i'll have to leave her indoors by the french window.



Well-Known Member
been doing surveys n shit to earn some money and today realised i nearly got enough to but the tent and fan n filter i need ready for when ive moved :-)


Well-Known Member
the cheesequake has hit the spot thru the ice bong me missus brung me...vry strange weed am getting ta like it but omg does it need a proper cure ovverwise its geriatric bag piss...this fukin foul odour changes into applecrumble wiv vanilla ice cream...good learning curve growin out these diff strains an searchin...searchin fer that one seed...


Well-Known Member
MG i'll be using this mate, .... hasn't started yet could be better ones though i'll keep looking not sure what time the main event starts ? link 2 on that works fine think the fights at 11.15 off round a mates to watch now.

on the ball this weekend 5 quid bet on munich for 2-1 just earned us 50 smackers , straight on roulette, tenner on red twice and boom 70 quid withdrawel to add to my bit coin dealings yesterday lol


Well-Known Member
3 more weeks? what do you UK auto thread guys reckon?

3 more weeks will take her to about 100 days - im away for a week in two weeks so i'll have to leave her indoors by the french window.

looks clear so a couple at least , keep your eye open for mold just in case , sticky bastards aint they


Well-Known Member
Fuk of with tge swimmung pool u cunt

Uh oh seems we got a middle class war bwtween ttt and moggys IMO

lol if only you knew , put it this way i took my bike test the day after the handsworth riots , that gives you an idea of upbringing , the biggest fuck awful council housing estate you can think of filled with the overspill and undesirables all rammed into the same area , it was never bored ill give you that , the mrs is from salford and she cant get her breath at some of the shit that used to be a daily thing , she thought she came from a rough area and then you drive her through soho or handsworth and she locks the cars doors


Well-Known Member
catches the back end a coupla times but the imprezza s lookin gud
i do like me cars , cant say too much as mines quite unique , forged engine , larger turbo ( garret ) fmic , ecu change , dropped onto its arse on dc coilovers , recently sorted the brakes as i cant stop the fucker without bursting lines ( now stainless ) , presently making around the 250 bhp at a running in 0.6 bar but will be banged upto 1.4 once i get a chance to play with it again ( its at the other house ) which will see the 320 or so at the wheels ( rota drifts ) , its a friggin money pit , presently the tanks fucked so ive another to be fitted ,,,, so much to do


Well-Known Member
same as me moggs hence why im moving i dont really care wer as long as thers growing space, wanna try give me family a good lifge and not working dont cut the mustarrd,, reckon 5th grow il be set to go take the family and me best pal and his to spain to a brit family resort ! cliche i know but its for the kids aye?


Well-Known Member
totally with you , i did the same , i just didnt have the heart to bring up our son with the same fucked up ideas of right and wrong , and it worked , a friend of mines got a daughter the same age , now my daughter is an angel , works in a school and is having a nice happy upbringing , my friends daughter knocked out a kid when she was 15 ( as did her mom ) and last i saw of her she was showing pictures of the body of someone who had been thrown from one of the flats that she and all her friends had taken , no compassion at all , its just another day , i couldnt have my kids being brought up the same

11 days time im back in spain :hump:


Well-Known Member
You taken some happy pills tonight ice?
lol really? am i that much of a cunt? sureley sambo beats me to that one?

totally with you , i did the same , i just didnt have the heart to bring up our son with the same fucked up ideas of right and wrong , and it worked , a friend of mines got a daughter the same age , now my daughter is an angel , works in a school and is having a nice happy upbringing , my friends daughter knocked out a kid when she was 15 ( as did her mom ) and last i saw of her she was showing pictures of the body of someone who had been thrown from one of the flats that she and all her friends had taken , no compassion at all , its just another day , i couldnt have my kids being brought up the same

11 days time im back in spain :hump:
exactly pal, il get bak to my home town of york eventually but while wer in ************ i just gotta do the best i can, and thats NOT living in a inner city estae with grey buldings and carparks at every house with fucing garages, yobss dealing on street corners, and niggers and pakis every fucking wer

not having it, id like to think ima intellegient fellow and so il try my best to bring my kids up with the same level if intelect, i sound a cunt and my spelling and grammer is shit but dont let that fool u,, peope say im smart so meh! watever

but the point remains ive never been abroad or done much so i really wanna give ykids what i never had, wich includes not geting put over the knee and bars of soap in the mouth for swearing!

todays fucking generation are a joke no honour, no respect, foul mouth cunts! haha pot and kettle i know

just doing what i can with the knowledge ive got,, im trying man,, my 3 yr old alreay knows how to watver plants! or daddys trees,, she even knows not to get it on the leaves!! NOOO DADDY UL BURN EM NOW WIPE IT OFF!! no shit

is that bad?


Well-Known Member
lol really? am i that much of a cunt? sureley sambo beats me to that one?

just doing what i can with the knowledge ive got,, im trying man,, my 3 yr old alreay knows how to watver plants! or daddys trees,, she even knows not to get it on the leaves!! NOOO DADDY UL BURN EM NOW WIPE IT OFF!! no shit

is that bad?
IMO no , its good , your around and interacting so thats wonderful , and im sure you have the smarts to make sure she keeps her gob shut , always a good idea to call them something else , hops as an example ,

i wonder if york will be the same as when you left it ? i wonder if its one of those places that are immigrant majority , never been to york so i wouldnt know , i know that side of the countrys ( peterborough etc ) has alot of eastern europs


Well-Known Member
IMO no , its good , your around and interacting so thats wonderful , and im sure you have the smarts to make sure she keeps her gob shut , always a good idea to call them something else , hops as an example ,

i wonder if york will be the same as when you left it ? i wonder if its one of those places that are immigrant majority , never been to york so i wouldnt know , i know that side of the countrys ( peterborough etc ) has alot of eastern europs

na its predominatly white is york like only 1 little bit has pakis but fukall like the major citis! wife goes york all the time its more th council thats ruining it more than foreghners,

gunna get sum trees in the house wen w e move yukkas or summet then that explains IF she ever says nowt but she never has so its gravy

anwyays im off its late and gotta do me dressings

anyone not having virgin or espn for the ufc the FB fights start NOW


Well-Known Member
stop listenin to fuktards an remember the maths...600 w = 300-600+ g which = a lot 0f $ where u live, carry on growinya way out man lifes bttr away from th shite
all about the money, an iv iunvested like 600 bucks by now, better pay off, when i finally get this 600, pfft was even thinkin of flippin to 12/12 now ffs, cuz i dont wanna be stuckwith the lights iv got when its time, and dont want stretchy plants either too big for the light.


Well-Known Member
lol if only you knew , put it this way i took my bike test the day after the handsworth riots , that gives you an idea of upbringing , the biggest fuck awful council housing estate you can think of filled with the overspill and undesirables all rammed into the same area , it was never bored ill give you that , the mrs is from salford and she cant get her breath at some of the shit that used to be a daily thing , she thought she came from a rough area and then you drive her through soho or handsworth and she locks the cars doors
youd have to lock ur doors goin through the ghetto right next to town here ,massive roads lines up 4 story flats, just full of bored teenagers who loves stealin vehicles, and anything inside a car too.


Well-Known Member
lol really? am i that much of a cunt? sureley sambo beats me to that one?

exactly pal, il get bak to my home town of york eventually but while wer in ************ i just gotta do the best i can, and thats NOT living in a inner city estae with grey buldings and carparks at every house with fucing garages, yobss dealing on street corners, and niggers and pakis every fucking wer

not having it, id like to think ima intellegient fellow and so il try my best to bring my kids up with the same level if intelect, i sound a cunt and my spelling and grammer is shit but dont let that fool u,, peope say im smart so meh! watever

but the point remains ive never been abroad or done much so i really wanna give ykids what i never had, wich includes not geting put over the knee and bars of soap in the mouth for swearing!

todays fucking generation are a joke no honour, no respect, foul mouth cunts! haha pot and kettle i know

just doing what i can with the knowledge ive got,, im trying man,, my 3 yr old alreay knows how to watver plants! or daddys trees,, she even knows not to get it on the leaves!! NOOO DADDY UL BURN EM NOW WIPE IT OFF!! no shit

is that bad?
is it bad weed was made illegale to support the timber industry, and to make blacks not want to move to america, they never made it illegal because of health risks, they done it for money and greed. So a cchild waterin a weed plant, thats not bad, come back when shes baggin oz's then wel have a talk haha.

its daddys job to look after the trees then cut them down, anyone asks just tell them ur a landscaper/treesurgain unless its the police, then you get the slipper out lmao