The Yorkshireman
Well-Known Member
Although new games not running on your PC is probably down to your PC not being good enough any more Baz, not the OS.
Sure you and me could build it for less but the layman can't, certainly not this clown who thinks LulSec are pro hackers and it's not possible to surf anon!
He's seems the kind of fool to let 'PC World' have his pants down, lol.
When I built it it had 2 cards in cross fire, it cost me £1200 for the parts and about 10 hours of labour. A very similar rig at the time cost the £3000 I mentioned but that was from an online discount/made to order place in the back of some tech magazine, exactly the same spec Alienware (but with a different case and slightly smaller HDD) was £5000!
You could build the same rig now for about £800 but that's not the point.
Although new games not running on your PC is probably down to your PC not being good enough any more Baz, not the OS.
ur gonna have to teach me all that phone being annonimus ffs, i havnt had a phone in years, i know it sounds daft but honestly i dont want one because of the new satnav shit in them i facebook and it says which town im in ffs i dont want that shit.You don't know what you're talking about.
It's is not possible to trace a mobile phone that has had it's IMEI changed and then been fitted with a cloned SIM, it's technologically impossible I'm afraid and is the very reason why they made IMEI changing illegal!
If I use the worldwide (encrypted) network of onion severs with a tool like the TOR browser to bounce my connection around the planet a few times I make sure I use secure applications with it then again, at this moment in time it's technologically impossible to trace me!
If I use a WiFi enabled linux laptop with packet injection capabilities on the network adapter to piggy back somebody else's internet connection right out of thin air then again, technologically impossible to trace me!
End of!
sorry but breaking into somone elses house and using their computer/internet, is that not simply searching annonymsly ffs spelling is fucked annonyms annonimus anno fuck it
i was thinking that and i dont no a great deal bout comps lol what i do no is this windows 8 is fucking gash! i hate the cunting fing worst os since vista.
i know the offer wasnt for me, but ill blow you for it...PM me an address mate and I'll send you a copy of 'Windows 7 Ultimate' 64 bit or 32 bit the choice is yours, It's fully functioning and is also registered with all updates and verifies as legit through the Microsoft website.
Free and gratis courtesy of a disgruntled ex Microsoft employee!![]()
yeah, my brother knows some shit on how to be untracable, he does allsorts hackin his ipod so he can change everything, hacking his kindle, and last week he was controlling the computer with his fuckin ipod, i was tryin to move the mouse and it was going all over, then i hear a chuckle in the background, so i stood up and round house kicked him in his midget face.Touche! You really are thinking outside the box today mate, lol.
The WiFi laptop thing saves you having to actually go round and kick their door in to get to the connection though!.....
It depends on what you want to use it for, I don't have 8 installed yet but I will as it's actually technically better than any OS so far and I would get an average of a 3% increase in game speed across the board.
If you're just a regular PC user/web browser then it's supposed to be annoying as fuck.
They fucked up by making the two interfaces for PC's and tablets in the same OS, epic fail right there.
ur gonna have to teach me all that phone being annonimus ffs, i havnt had a phone in years, i know it sounds daft but honestly i dont want one because of the new satnav shit in them i facebook and it says which town im in ffs i dont want that shit.
It depends on what you want to use it for, I don't have 8 installed yet but I will as it's actually technically better than any OS so far and I would get an average of a 3% increase in game speed across the board.
If you're just a regular PC user/web browser then it's supposed to be annoying as fuck.
They fucked up by making the two interfaces for PC's and tablets in the same OS, epic fail right there.
i was thinking that and i dont no a great deal bout comps lol what i do no is this windows 8 is fucking gash! i hate the cunting fing worst os since vista.
Use an old burner phone for calls and only FB when on a PC.
Get yourself the cheapest working Iphone 1st gen you can find and then get in touch with either me or IC3, IC3 being your best bet cos he's done a couple I think.
It's not hard though, 20 mins job done.
i know the offer wasnt for me, but ill blow you for it...
windows 7 is what Vista SHOULD have been like had it worked properly, lol.
its probably about time i got a new os, that will clear everyuthing right?, ohh fuck passwords better get writing lol.
pc is old, slow as fuck got 2gb ram and fuck know 112gb hard drive
maybe this will make sense to you
Intel core 2Duo CPU 2.4ghz RAM 2GB there was something else, but it looks like a number that can be traced so i left it out
Aye the Core 2 Duo is the processor, they weren't bad but @ 2.4ghz (speed) is not too quick.
2GB of RAM is bare basic these days, especially for running Win7.
112GB hard drive says it all though, lol. 4-5 new games would fill that completely, I've got 1890GB and I think IC3 has more than that!
It looks like it's OK for cruising the net and maybe watching movies on but shite for anything else.