The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Yeah sambo mepherdrone. There fucking mad on it up here! Personally I think it's gash but its like half the price of coke and there all tight fisted twats lol
i wouldnt touch that shit, give some real drugs anyday crack,smack,coke, pills n benzos but fuck that mepherdrone lol


Well-Known Member
half the price of coke and double the chance of dying... its fucking plant food lmao,, for plants so unless your a tree ur not gunna do well,

infact has anyone actualy used the stuff for plants?

and nobody answered my question, does a light mean more yeild for instance sambo ran 2 under his 600 wtch is way more than enough so would they get more with 1200 hps or is it genically impossible to get more than what the plnat can physcially and gentically produce, i.e is ther a genetic thing that says thats the lot even if u put 5000000 hps it would make no diffrence it will only produe wat it wants or able to produce?

nice 1 on echange sambo matey i hope u get shit sorted and have a better whatnot with the lafamilia

wer not far behind matey few weeks but will be 6 since thats hwat i requested on the letter we handed in ffs its all gravy but the work involved is a joke, and im doing it all on my self!"

so wtf is everyone cumming to help 2 days blitz get the house done?riu meeting at ice new gaff??cummon il make bacon sarnie!



Well-Known Member
half the price of coke and double the chance of dying... its fucking plant food lmao,, for plants so unless your a tree ur not gunna do well,

infact has anyone actualy used the stuff for plants?

and nobody answered my question, does a light mean more yeild for instance sambo ran 2 under his 600 wtch is way more than enough so would they get more with 1200 hps or is it genically impossible to get more than what the plnat can physcially and gentically produce, i.e is ther a genetic thing that says thats the lot even if u put 5000000 hps it would make no diffrence it will only produe wat it wants or able to produce?

nice 1 on echange sambo matey i hope u get shit sorted and have a better whatnot with the lafamilia

wer not far behind matey few weeks but will be 6 since thats hwat i requested on the letter we handed in ffs its all gravy but the work involved is a joke, and im doing it all on my self!"

so wtf is everyone cumming to help 2 days blitz get the house done?riu meeting at ice new gaff??cummon il make bacon sarnie!

I'm there ice man , as long as you chop that stinking , oozy, rotten hoof off & leave it outside 4 the bin men !

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
them pads n mitts not arrive today don? i see even the toke n talk numptys aint biting anymore lol

anyway just want to say what a great football team newcastle are and if you could pleaaaaaaaaaase at least get a draw on sunday lolol
I reckon now the pressures off is to stay up the gooners might only thrash us 4-5 nil
Mits did arrive, ate. lad in the office was hitting full force, but putting no hips n shoulders to it. I did n was pushing him back across the room. He lifts 95+ on lat pul lmao
aye the Sherman's manage to ignore me but not the pleb in question.
lol as i said im TRYING u geordie plum,, now havent u got sum doging to do,Gan boil y'heed

course it has, north is cheaper coz,well ok then yeh i get yer point, but like i said im moving so shits gunna change i assure u.
cant wait man gunna get shit tight!
hahah using me own twang now is it. Gan boil ya foot or get bus maggots or something. I'd havve gone pegleg


Well-Known Member
you do have a pretty sweet job don hay, on riu most the day, sneaking out for joints n booze most wks not to mention sparring in the office ya lucky fucker lol


Well-Known Member
cheese on toast i fucking love it! gonna make some i thinks, toast the bread 1st then thickly spread seriously strong cheese spread on that toast on top of that tom puree and the thinly sliced ham, then the cheese on top to melt in the grill for some seriously cheesy toastie goodness hmmmmmmmm lol


Well-Known Member
you do have a pretty sweet job don hay, on riu most the day, sneaking out for joints n booze most wks not to mention sparring in the office ya lucky fucker lol
all the labouring jobs round here are like that, everyone likes a smoke at lunch and a drink on company time, why not..


Well-Known Member
all the labouring jobs round here is like that, everyone likes a smoke at lunch and a drink on company time, why not..
stop it kode im having flashbacks m8 my labouring years where deffo not like that lol i remember lots of hard hard work for 55 a day cash in hand fucking el i could smoke that in half a day lol

and deffo dont remember no free wifi or lappy onsite? llol


Well-Known Member
cheese on toast i fucking love it! gonna make some i thinks, toast the bread 1st then thickly spread seriously strong cheese spread on that toast on top of that tom puree and the thinly sliced ham, then the cheese on top to melt in the grill for some seriously cheesy toastie goodness hmmmmmmmm lol
gotta be catherdral city! and them pound shop bags wat u put in your toatser are cush

or fesh bread sliced with fresh onion and cheese on top

im about 2 eat 2 steaks with bacon cheesey bites and beans! i may even lash it with salad cream,, who knows??


Well-Known Member
gotta be catherdral city! and them pound shop bags wat u put in your toatser are cush

or fesh bread sliced with fresh onion and cheese on top
the fresh onion n cheese ontop toasted is a fekking winner ice, although i do like some tom sauce or puree underneath really proper pizzabread that shit out lolol


Well-Known Member
nah man, i get it sent close by, just tell my gran im gettin a new phone cover or summit.

View attachment 26585723g for 15 quid, might get an oz for 100 odd and resale for 150+

Morrocon pollen, its nice and fluffy when held under a flame for a very short moment. Nice smoke not too bad but i prefer weed over pollen

it was sent in 1 chunk, i cut it to give a bit to me mam, she needs a smoke aswell.

sambo get those pics a big lol, my nose touches my monitor lookin at pics like those ya troll

anyone tried the superpolm, is that just the same as pollen, i didnt relize morrocon was pollen or i wouldnt of bought it, thinking about that indian charas ice cream, looks fuckin good is that just squidgy black dont get it around here since the 90's
about 4.5 oz or so ,,,,,, i forget



Well-Known Member
talk about taking the piss , a visitor today , bugs fuckin bunny was scoping out my garden , got the rifle out but the mrs said no , the little furry fucker was sat in the bushes for at least 8 hrs


theres a few autos in the flower beds , were gunna have words if they get touched


Well-Known Member
the family retired to the sleeping qauters mog u slumming it with us lot for abit lol nice chunk of hash tho.
yeah man , got nothing better to do than ride out the buzz , bellys fully of cottage pie and the jd is flowing , here for a while yet , thinking of starting a thread about the outdoor but being honest im fuckin useless and never finish them so ?

the hash ? got loads , hardly know what to do with it , made yet more tonight so theres now over the bar !


Well-Known Member
yeah man , got nothing better to do than ride out the buzz , bellys fully of cottage pie and the jd is flowing , here for a while yet , thinking of starting a thread about the outdoor but being honest im fuckin useless and never finish them so ?

the hash ? got loads , hardly know what to do with it , made yet more tonight so theres now over the bar !
so that aint just a low grade pollen thats homemade bubble or gumby? how ever u made it? u lucky bastard lol

how was that cottage pie m8? i do love 1 meself, half pounder n chips for me tho u no how us lower class flow mog lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Am i the only one who keeps ordering new paying-in books from the bank to use as roach paper? They even have a double front cover for some reason. Score.

Gf's coming down tomorrow for a week with an ounce of blue cheese. Fun times ahead :)


Well-Known Member
u still with the missus then ttt that same girl from riu sorry man carnt member the name i struggle enough with me own lol


Well-Known Member

dryed out suger leaf banged through the machine , call me a lazy fucker , bit of iso to make it solid and viola , hash rather than kief , i used to iron the bastard to make it a solid which alters the composition to make it jet black and sticky but what a dick about for no real reward

got bubble bags and ive made no end of gumby in the past but the ice is a trial to get together , i also brought a plaster mixer from screwfix , sad to say ive batter a couple of cheap drills now as they dont seem to last long on those 15 minute runs and the cold when you strain is harsh in winter , this is why i brought a machine ( again , last one was a scuffbox ) , dry it , bung it into the freezer , stick in the tube and let it run for a couple of 15 minute intervals , couldnt be easier

the cottage pie was top 10 , the mrs is from manchester so makes a bangin meal at times when she can be bothered to cook , i had seconds , the girls a genius with a bit of garlic