The UK Growers Thread!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Auto's need 18/6 minimum for a decent grow outta them so your cool on that front. Dunno about low oder auto's not had much experience with them,
I've herd deep blue by breeders boutique will finish in 9 weeks seed to crop on 12/12
that it will but low odour with dog kush in the mix isn't low odour that's for sure. why is low odour an issue? are you planning on not using a filter erdnase?


Well-Known Member
I have never grown a plant which has no smell in flowering strains tend to lose smell after being chopped but I wouldn't grow shit without a carbon filter .


I will be using a carbon filter / scrubber on my grow room. But I am growing for perosnal and I just want to get the risk as low as possible. That is why I picked low odor. IF I didnt use low ordor and was using a filter / scrubber I am assuming its ok as long as I dont go with a super stinky strain :)

@don gin and ton - I may yet be using a normal plant perpetual rotation but that mean i need one more tents (I think perpetual ATM is the way to go due to the sentencing guidlines as I will harveting one plant every two weeks I will not have alot of dried bud laying around) Just awaiting a reply from the legal team at clear-cut and UKCIA

EDIT: I think that this is a controversal question but if I was running perpetual autos on a 18/6 lighting rotation can you grow differnt strains - I know someone on this forum who did and said he was smoking a new strain every harvest - but other people advised him against this due to possible problems that can arise


Well-Known Member
Just be carefull when picking a low stinky strain I could say anything is low odour but you might pop a few seeds and get a whole diffrent pheno which could stink your house out .

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
christ, someone who actually contacts a legal advice team before buying their tent?!?! think that's a thread first lads :shock: fair play erdnase

if your numbers are that low, a mother or two cuttings and say a 2 in 2 up 2 out rotation will keep you in 'feeding yourself' status.


Well-Known Member
That it is don, I told him to do that too. Just fucking wish i thought of it when i started up llf. I never knew norml or ukcia existed when i started lol


I wanted claification on the sentecning guidline. In the cultivation section it only states that upto 9plants are allowed for a personal grow. They assume each plant yeilds 40g. So from this how much bud can you have with your growing plants? I am assuming that if you grow 5 plants, you could have 4(nine plants minus the five you have) * 40g.
that would total their guidlines for personal cultivation but possession charges only account for upto 50g - I realize its a seperate charge, but if your growing, technically your are in posession also :)

I am assumung if your grew the full nine plants, you couldnt have any other plant matter / bud laying around and should only be charged cultivation.

The guidlines are a good read but it isnt clear about how the charges cross over :)


Well-Known Member
Fuck sake unlucky, moving up the ladder nowadays? lol
no im on with shifting assets about and selling shiz as i sign the paper work on the care home next week and if the shiz hits the fan i don;t want the feckers to take it off me, i had a chap from an aution take a look at them and with them being old he told me i have to get them proofed, its a stamp on them i need but is that it ?


Well-Known Member
Nh mate your thinking about it wrong. Just cos they state a plant at 40g doesn't mean you can have 9x40g lying around. Possession and cultivation/production are two diferent charges. So you'd get done with x amount of plants at 40g per plant and how much weed you had lying around. The more dried product the harder to deny supply