The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
is that a 30litre pot? i got one of those, if soits gunna be fucking huge!! u r using more feed than u normally would but meh! lovely plant
waait till uswitch to airpots, u wont be as keen to carry them to the bathroom

btw,, them tiles suk ass!
yeah tiles are shyte. 18l pot mate an yeah first time taking the pot to the bathroom the way back was fuckin agony on my fingers the weight nearly took em off! and the small one is only in a 7l pot not guna bother transplanting that one im wanting around 3 oz on my big one hope i can pull that at least


Well-Known Member
Mornin shaggers another sunny day ere, still freezing me nuts of tho smoking this jakey lol

Propa 8th of psycho comin Tuesday I reckon, can't fuckin wait been way to long lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I just up potted to 10L and thought they were huge lol, only use 6's usually.

bubble runs just drying nicely on the windowsill. Smells lush.


Well-Known Member
I just up potted to 10L and thought they were huge lol, only use 6's usually.

bubble runs just drying nicely on the windowsill. Smells lush.
Do you run smaller plants like a SoG?, i got the 18l pots so i could have 2 big plants, just makes sense to me that a plant with a happy root system will give you alot of :leaf:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
nah man i run bushes. i pull decent returns from 6L with a bit of topping and training ;) i've gotten the 10's to see i I can push it a bit.

going to fire up my first ever DWC soon. just vegging another stinky fingerez for it. mine in flower is bouncing along in coco.

can't remember whether it's 3 or 4 weeks or in between!?



Well-Known Member
nah man i run bushes. i pull decent returns from 6L with a bit of topping and training ;) i've gotten the 10's to see i I can push it a bit.

going to fire up my first ever DWC soon. just vegging another stinky fingerez for it. mine in flower is bouncing along in coco.

can't remember whether it's 3 or 4 weeks or in between!?

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i realy want to try DWC too, once i start using coco i think ill sneak in a dwc bucket see what i can do, the hydro shop near me sells all the stuff for dwc, less than 20quid and you have dwc including the airpump.


Well-Known Member
Hows it goin guys. Has anybody had any bug problems at this time of the year? I would of thought it was too early in the year for stuff like that here in the uk, although I noticed the other day the midges are out and about now in the garden. My plants were looking stressed and with a closer look I noticed that a leaf had a piece missing like it had been eaten!. I got my loupe out to look at them and I picked up on a few tiny white dots (not trichomes) on the under side of the leaves and tops which could be larvae. It's not moving and its fucking microscopic so it could be anything really. I haven't seen anything else in there like adult bugs so I'm confused?


Well-Known Member
yeh don them 10litre airpots are fucking massiv,, i made mine smaller but i may get sum 6 litre ones for next run, be perfect for my space x8


Well-Known Member
Hows it goin guys. Has anybody had any bug problems at this time of the year? I would of thought it was too early in the year for stuff like that here in the uk, although I noticed the other day the midges are out and about now in the garden. My plants were looking stressed and with a closer look I noticed that a leaf had a piece missing like it had been eaten!. I got my loupe out to look at them and I picked up on a few tiny white dots (not trichomes) on the under side of the leaves and tops which could be larvae. It's not moving and its fucking microscopic so it could be anything really. I haven't seen anything else in there like adult bugs so I'm confused?
sounds like caterpillar eggs tbh


Well-Known Member
sounds like caterpillar eggs tbh
Hmmmmm. Just taken a look on google and it doesn't look like it mate. Once I think about it's probably something I've done to them. They are only two weeks old so I have bung them back under my 125 watt enviro light and trained my fan away from them so they can recover and build a better root system in the pebbles. Basically it's probably environment related. I've answered my own questions I think haha


Well-Known Member
Easy all just wanna know if any of you locals can sort me out with a few clones? I know its a bit shady but I have no one else to ask