even im not so stupid as to hook a second light upto a 1k ballast lmao, the 1k would just blow the bulbs since ther only 600's NOW if u had 2 1k bulbs in ther thats another matter, dunno im not rsiking it
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CLOSET cum on skype matey,
and yes i do like battlefield,, if i remember ritely i did rather enjoy that game, il go buy it again.

dont like fifa or pes, just boring shit, i dont see why they charge so much each yr wen a update could sort it out, scamming cunts,
how long is it b4 beans start popping up thru them ther cubes? only been 36 hrs so i guess im a impatiant cunt. getting t4 tomoz so il sit that on the top of the prop box inside a cardboard box, keeping them root riots wet since they came dry, gotta get the light lowered to them physco i nrly killed,lol,, im sure ther starting to stretch, oh joy