The UK Growers Thread!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
They are trying to make it more like the books, Bond being a bit of a dark character (I think Craig is not too bad at that part). Not sure if I can remember him giving any women a slap like Connery did though, lol.
so long as it's openhanded eh lmao. that interview with connery is a gem.



Well-Known Member
i'll not spoil it for sambo but seriously it just didn't fit the program. yeah it was back to bonds roots but seriously it was like bond on a budget, exotic location hahahah the dava moor in bonnie scotland :rolleyes: a basement under the london underground, do me a favour.

the product placement in the opening half hour is atrociously blatant. wanna buy a vw beetle after seeing skyfall?!? bollocks
l;ol thats what itsall about nowadays fucking adverts,, suprised ther wernt product comments,, qwik wers my laser rolex quarts only available at harrods!"" lol
yeh shit for sure

i got the raid a few days ago,good film wish it was in english tho
thers a dubbed version in english,, not subs but dubbedl.

just downloaded new season of axemn
storage wars new york new series
harcore pawn chicago!

good viewing today!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna smash this cunting phonebox up in a minit I swear to fucking god!

Been on hold to the dole 50mins now its fucking freezing aswel, fucking crisis loan I'm in crisis I'm freezing! And I want a drink 2night sounds like a fucking crisis by my books!!! They don't no I charge 240 a oz lol I may be in a real fucking crisis!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna smash this cunting phonebox up in a minit I swear to fucking god!

Been on hold to the dole 50mins now its fucking freezing aswel, fucking crisis loan I'm in crisis I'm freezing! And I want a drink 2night sounds like a fucking crisis by my books!!! They don't no I charge 240 a oz lol I may be in a real fucking crisis!!!
" so then you have no electric,gas,food or anything else? Hers £11.31 to last you 2 weeks" lmao


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna smash this cunting phonebox up in a minit I swear to fucking god!

Been on hold to the dole 50mins now its fucking freezing aswel, fucking crisis loan I'm in crisis I'm freezing! And I want a drink 2night sounds like a fucking crisis by my books!!! They don't no I charge 240 a oz lol I may be in a real fucking crisis!!!
Lol, can't mine the last time I had to use a phone box. 50mins, fuck that m8, it must be a crisis


Well-Known Member
Aint free on pay as ya go mobiles, done a tenner credit the other day calling em bout me failed medical etc that was 0845 tho I think, if I've should here freezing for nowt when I could have used me mobile I'm not gonna be a happy sambo lol

Thank fuck I was right it aint free just rang em from me mobile, ohhhhhh final decision time lolol asked for 175 prob get a tenner.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
Afternoon gentleman if there is such a thing in the UK thread,

@Don they look lovely mate, are they crosses by your own hands?

@newuser hang on in there mate you can't be far off a bottle with ya ice and a slice lol would be a real tragedy if ya couldn't get the posh stuff to go into ya glass with it.

@Bazoomer sorry to hear of the bad news mate, hopefully it's something that can just be whipped out, fingers crossed for ya mate and we'll have to sort out a chat at some point.

so how's everyone else doing today? I'm having a go at packing the fags in, was a late night so only been up just over 3hrs and it's already driving me mad going without, feels like the fuse has been lit and the explosion is coming fast lol


Well-Known Member
Fuck off drags!!! Sorry m8 just had to take that lovely tastey ciggie out me hand to txt this, hmmmmmm the nicotine feels so gooooood.



Well-Known Member
the 0800 to crisis loan is free from any mobile,, the normal benefit number isent,, 2 diffrent numbers sambo you wouldnt ring them on that 0800 for your benfit shit

im down to my last 4oo qwid,got 30 qwid on gas and 30 on lekki, starting to look grim,, thinking was ps3 games to buy,, lifes sooo fucking hard :) sik of it

some tv series on server sambo if you board wen u get home

rimmer is that what they gave u other day 11 qwid od? thats fucking outragious

i got offered a 7 qwid one once and i went to collect it

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
Fuck off drags!!! Sorry m8 just had to take that lovely tastey ciggie out me hand to txt this, hmmmmmm the nicotine feels so gooooood.

BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got the shakey hands going on already thought it would take longer than it has, been a coffee drinking machine this mo gonna have to start sitting on me hands soon I thinks or I'll be hunting down the baccy the misses has hidden away lol